‘I’ve been making Panettone for more than a decade – these 6 things may surprise you’

Panettone is a staple festive dessert (Image: Gelatorino) Panettone is a staple featured on almost every display. It’s a sweet delight loved for its soft, pillowy dough and enticing treats scattered throughout the tall loaf structure. However, according to Italian baker Rocco Tanzarella, not all panettones are created equal. In fact, very few supermarket offerings … Read more

Mary Berry’s coffee cake recipe she labels ‘easy and delicious’ takes 30 minutes to bake

Mary Berry’s coffee cake recipe she labels ‘easy and delicious’ takes 30 minutes to bake (Image: Getty) , a icon, has shared the perfect sweet treat for those reaching for their snug jumpers, clutching warm mugs, and cosily nesting indoors to escape the chilly air as winter is fast approaching. Mary’s coffee and walnut cake … Read more

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