Ofcom is full of former BBC and ITV bigwigs (Image: Getty)
I had a personal reason to be delighted with ’ historic court case victory over Ofcom, overturning the watchdog body’s decision to find a show hosted by Jacob Rees-Mogg to be a breach of its broadcasting code. Consequently Ofcom has now rescinded three further decisions where it had previously – and wrongly – judged that my GB News show with my husband Phil had also breached its code.
It has been striking that Ofcom was happy to widely publicise its decision to find against GB News, but hasn’t been big enough to equally highlight that those decisions were wrong. The Ofcom Content Board committee is stuffed with former and ITV media establishment bigwigs, leading to a suspicion of an anti-GB News bias. As they used to say at the , “Deputy Heads will roll over this”.
Don’t miss…
I was always alarmed by the distinct disinterest many scientists and politicians showed at getting to the bottom of the origins of the -19 pandemic, especially given the chaos, cost and disruption it caused to the world.
In fact, those of us who supported the lab leak theory – that the virus was man-made and escaped from a laboratory in Wuhan – were dismissed by so-called leading scientists as destructive conspiracy theorists. And yet now the evidence points overwhelmingly to such a leak.
So, if governments and the World Health Organisation (WHO) genuinely want to prepare for the next pandemic, they need to get to the bottom of the -19 one, and have a full independent investigation.
China shouldn’t be allowed to get away with what they did –destroying lives and the global economy – either.
Rachel Zegler stars as Snow White in Disney’s new live-action (Image: DISNEY)
The new Snow White (featuring the beautiful is causing huge controversy.
It shows how easily a box-office hit, when handed over to a group of woke warriors, can be destroyed. Instead of a magical love story, the prince is a weird stalker, and the lovable seven dwarfs have become computer images.
I am delighted there will be a giant protest by actors with dwarfism who have been deprived of an acting job. Surely the makers of this film – who are supposed to be so concerned about diversity and inclusivity – should have thought to include this most disadvantaged group of actors in .
crusade to cosy up to Brussels has seen him quietly trying to shelve a law to strip EU judges of their powers passed by the previous Conservative government.
It should have come into force in October but it seems that Starmer is trying to ensure it never happens.
Let’s keep it simple. Let’s rid ourselves once and for all of EU judges, and then come out of the – and the Court that enforces it – and scrap the Human Rights Act. Only then can we truly make our own rules and get rid of criminals and illegal immigrants that shouldn’t be in this country.
I was recently reading research which showed men are more romantic than women. Apparently they fall in love quicker – often at first sight – idolise their partners more deeply, are more likely to be the first to say “I love you” and break up more reluctantly: 70% of divorces are reportedly initiated by women.
To be fair, Phil is more romantic than me. He’s the first to get anniversary presents and cards, the first to suggest we go out for a romantic meal, and he was the first to say “I love you”. Although he disputes that!