Your Fire TV Stick finally gets a blockbuster free upgrade that matches Sky

Amazon Fire TV Stick update

Amazon Fire TV Stick update adds BBC Live channels (Image: AMAZON)

Fire TV Stick users have been asking for it and it appears they finally have their wish. Popular channels from the have finally been added to the ‘Live’ tab on the Fire OS home screen, which means it’s now super fast and easy to see what’s on and start watching without launching separate apps.

For those not aware, the ‘Live’ tab launched on Fire TV devices all the way back in 2021, offering exactly what it says on the tin. In some ways, it’s a bit like the new streaming devices (such as Sky Glass and Sky Stream), as it allows users to tune into live content without needing an aerial or a dish stuck to the chimney.

Until now, ‘Live’ TV only offered access to ITV, Channel 4 and Channel 5 content but that’s now changed with the eagle-eyed team at spotting that 10 channels are now appearing.

These include One, Two, Four, Three, CBBC, CBeebies and News.

Fire TV Stick fans have also spotted the change with one user – about the lack of live services – saying, “As of yesterday I see channels are now there, too.”

Of course, you will need a TV licence to tune into content, but if you already pay the yearly fee, you’ll find this new access under the ‘Live’ tab on your home screen.

Once clicked you’ll see the channels. You’ll then just need to sign into your iPlayer account to start watching.

This feature also includes a full Sky-style channel guide showing what’s on throughout the day.

It appears this update has been rolled out without much fanfare but has checked our Fire TV Stick and can now see and watch all the channel via the Live tab.

You shouldn’t need to update your device with the upgrade happening automatically.

News of this Fire TV change comes as Sky has just released its all-new Glass Gen 2 TV which now features better sound, faster set-up, lighter design and much improved picture quality.

It also offers full access to live and on-demand content along with apps such as and Disney+.

Want to know more? Read our full .

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