All gardeners urged to complete one task now to ‘boost blooms on rose bushes’

blooming pink rose bush in the garden

You can boost your blooms this spring (stock image) (Image: Getty)

As spring draws nearer and the warmer starts to arrive, a lot of people are starting to focus more on their .

After all, it’s lovely to see our outdoor spaces bright, colourful and full of life again. One thing you may want to make the most out of this year is your rose bushes, and there’s a simple way you can make them thrive.

A expert, known as the Mediterranean gardener, recently told people to “act now” if they want to boost their rose blooms this year. He said early spring is the best time to ensure you have the greatest chances of seeing more roses flower.

In a recent video, he said: “Prior to flowering is the perfect time to feed them. There are loads of feeds out there, but I like to go with controlled release food like this one which, with one application, will feed your rose all summer long.

“First of all, clear any weeds and debris from your roses. Grab your packet of feed and measure it out to make sure you’re giving your plants the right amount of food. Pour it all around the base of your roses, and then lightly agitate the soil.”

Don’t miss…

If you’re not expecting rain any time soon, he said you need to lightly water them in too. Completing this simple step now could make a real difference to how many roses flower in your garden this year.

The tutorial has been viewed hundreds of times since it was shared, and people were quick to comment too. They had all sorts of questions about roses.

One person said: “I still haven’t cut mine back yet. Am I too late?” Another wrote: “I have a rose I bought last year, but it hasn’t grown. Any advice?”

A third also replied: “Pruned mine, but what do I do about black spots on the leaves on my roses? I thought they’d have lost a lot of leaves over winter, but not this year.”

The best time to fertilise roses. If you want loads of flowers on roses, now in early spring, prior to flowering is the perfect time to feed them. There are a number of feeds out there but I’m lazy and like to go with a controlled release food like this one which will feed your rose all summer long with one application. Clear any debris and weeds around your roses. Measure your feed out to make sure you’re giving your plants the right amount. Pour it all around the base of your roses and then lightly agitate the soil. If you’re not expecting rain soon, lightly water in.

How to make rose bushes thrive

Aside from this key piece of advice, there are other things you can do to make your rose bushes bloom well too. The key is ensuring they receive enough sunlight, as the majority of roses require at least six hours of direct sunlight a day to produce blooms.

As well as this, they need to be looked after properly. This includes regular watering, pruning and proper fertilisation. You always have to keep an eye on any pest interference or potential diseases.

Experts suggest to opt for reblooming varieties, and you should plant them in well-draining soil. If you haven’t pruned your roses yet, it’s generally advised this task should be completed during early spring.

This is essential to remove dead, diseased or crossing branches and will help to promote new growth and better air circulation.

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