BBC Death in Paradise fans lose it as Selwyn Patterson’s future is confirmed

This month, fans were left reeling when they learnt Commissioner Selwyn Patterson (Don Warrington) was being made redundant due to cuts being rolled out in Saint Marie’s police force.

Last week, viewers were up in arms when Selwyn met his replacement, the young and extremely arrogant Sterling Fox (Trieve Blackwood-Cambridge). With Sterling continuing to cause a stir with the rest of the police force, it seems as though Selwyn’s future was confirmed in the latest episode.

On Friday night, Detective Inspector Mervin Wilson (Don Gilet) continued to try and solve Dorna’s (Judith Jacob) death, not convinced that his mother died at sea as reported. However, Sterling wasn’t convinced there was anything more to it and ordered the DI to close down his mother’s case.

During the show, Mayor Catherine Bordey (Élizabeth Bourgine) paid Selwyn a visit, convinced he was able to help Mervin keep the case open. Although Selwyn highlighted he was now outranked as he replied: “I no longer have any sway.”

Death in Paradise fans lose it as Selwyn Patterson’s future is confirmed (Image: BBC)

As Catherine commented: “Even if others still need you?” Selwyn replied “People have to get used to not relying on me like they did.” Although she wasn’t having any of it as she replied: “50 years of service to this island and now you can just walk away? Not care anymore?”

He confessed that might be the only way he gets through what’s happening to him, by not caring as much as he should. Before leaving, Catherine offered some words of advice, saying: “Is that really how you want this all to end? By turning your back on everything you used to stand for? Selwyn, Mervin came to Saint Marie looking for answers, if he has to leave without finding them, then this island has et him down.”

It seemed as though her words struck a chord as he was seen in uniform heading down to the station to get the case re-opened for Mervin, in a less than conventional way. He told Sterling he was going to arrest him for damage caused to his car, buying the force a day to solve Mervin’s mother’s death.

Death in Paradise

Selwyn decided to arrest his replacement to buy the team more time to solve Dorna’s case (Image: BBC)

In the end, the team managed to solve the case through old letters Dorna had written to Mervin’s father. Although it was first believed she had drowned at sea, the team made an arrest as it was discovered she was murdered by her old friends Roy Palmer (Gerard Horan) and Brianna (Joy Richardson).

As the episode came to an end, Sterling told Mervin that when he got back to Jamaica he would be speaking with the Chief Commissioner, explaining he was arrested while they solved the case.

However, Mervin had other ideas as he said: “With respect Mr Fox, I’d like to point out that if we did things your way a man guilty of murder would be walking free right now. Which I’m sure the Chief Commissioner would be very interested to hear. You know what would fix this Sterling?

“When you go back to Jamaica, you tell your boss that to avoid any more mistakes like this being made by your good self, he needs to reinstate the commissioner.”


Mervin was adamant Selwyn needed to get his job back (Image: BBC)

Selwyn told the DI he didn’t need to do that for him, although Mervin disagreed as he said: “I wish I could have done more, if it wasn’t for you, today wouldn’t have happened.” Viewers were quick to share their delight as the return of the commissioner as a trailer for next week revealed Selwyn had been offered his job back.

Taking to Twitter, one person said: “YES SELWYN! Definitely just shouted at my TV in excitement.” Another commented: ” Yes Selwyn is back!”

Someone else wrote: “Selwyn has always been the best character.” Another added: “Well best news of the year #DeathInParadise and hopefully the Commissioner is staying in paradise again another well written show.”

Death in Paradise is available to watch on iPlayer.

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