Profanity King Gary Oldman Tests Limits In Chat About Words You Can’t Say On TV


Oscar winner Gary Oldman can curse with the best of them, so “The Late Show” host Stephen Colbert thought it best to inform him of CBS’ list of forbidden words. (Watch the video below.)

In an interview segment that aired for laughs on Thursday’s episode, Colbert noted the actor’s “vigorous use of the salty talk.” It was perhaps most evident in a 1997 movie he wrote and directed, “Nil By Mouth,” which featured the F-word 428 times (not to mention the C-word 82 times).

“I’m very [bleepin’] proud of that,” Oldman said.

Several obscenities were tossed about in the conversation ― most of which got bleeped. But one naughty word saw the light of day because of an odd exception that Colbert revealed.

Of course, the “Slow Horses” star tested the rule.

Oldman asked Colbert if he could call him a “dick,” and the host said yes but not in an anatomical reference.

The British thespian tried his workaround. “Some dick with a tiny [bleep].”

Yep, the second mention was actually about genitals, so it didn’t escape the censors.

Thanks for your pioneering work in network swearing, Gary.

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