Three to See Edmonton Events: Bonnie Doon artwalk, Sparrow Blue and SWEAT’s Winter Beach Party

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Amy's House
Amy’s House Night of Artists Gala fundraiser is Saturday at Bonnie Doon Centre.Photo by supplied photo

Sparrow Blue: Rolling down the misty mountain from such inspirational icons as Led Zeppelin, Lynyrd Skynyrd, and, well, Mountain, this old-school rock and roll act is going to be delightfully squished on 9910’s intimate stage in front of the gold curtain — so please expect to get up close and personal.

Darlin’ opens up this fundraiser for a potential sojourn into the maw of America, so this one should be a killer party with lots of raised glasses and can-clanking in the spirit of the music that will never die.

You don’t actually have to dress in your most revealing beach costumes here — just bring a warm heart and get ready to indeed sweat with musical help from this finest of DJ collectives.

SWEAT Grindstone
SWEAT’s Winter Beach Party Friday will hopefully summon the vibe of Accidental Beach.Photo by FIsh Griwkowsky /Postmedia

Details: 10:30 p.m. Friday at Grindstone Theatre (10019 81 Ave.), $20/door

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