Little-known nose problem that could be first sign of Parkinson’s disease

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Little-known symptom on your nose that could be first sign of Parkinson’s disease (Image: Getty)

An expert has shared a little-known symptom of your nose that could possibly be one of the signs of . While the most common symptoms include tremors in the arms and hands and stiffness in the legs, there is one hidden symptom that one should also look out for. 

Loss of smell or anosmia is one of the lesser-known symptoms of the disease, the experts have shared.  According to a report by Parkinson’s UK, up to 95 percent of those with the condition suffer from a loss or reduction in their sense of smell “to some degree”. The NHS has indicated that this symptom “sometimes occurs several years before other symptoms develop”, including those related to movement. 


Although it might be considered a “hidden” symptom, its impact is significant for those who can no longer smell their food, potentially leading to further consequences. The charity explained: “Loss of smell can affect people in different ways.

“We rely on our sense of smell to taste food, so reduced smell can lead to weight loss or weight gain. It can also affect your mood, relationships, and overall quality of life. In addition, loss of smell can affect your safety – for example, being unable to smell food burning. It does not respond to Parkinson’s medication, so is unlikely to get better even with this treatment.”

Parkinson’s disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that primarily affects movement.  It occurs when dopamine-producing neurons in the brain deteriorate, leading to motor and non-motor symptoms.

Most people with Parkison’s disease are over 50 years old, although 1% of sufferers are not

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Dr Beckie Port, the research communications lead at Parkinson’s UK previously told : “Parkinson’s is complex. There are over 40 symptoms which vary from freezing and rigidity to anxiety and sleeping problems.

“It affects everyone differently and no two people present with the same symptoms. Many people tell us, they experience symptoms related to their Parkinson’s for a number of years before a formal diagnosis, but the dots were never connected.”

“To date there is no definitive test for Parkinson’s, which is highly problematic, nor a cure or treatment to stop Parkinson’s progressing. But the earlier people are diagnosed in their Parkinson’s journey, the sooner they can receive help to manage their condition.

“Parkinson’s is the fastest growing neurological condition in the world so we urgently need to fund more research, to better our understanding of the causes, signs and treatments of this degenerative condition affecting more than 145,000 people in the UK.”

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