UK weather maps turn purple as Britain blitzed with 58 hours of ‘non-stop’ snow

A wall of snow is set to descend on the UK this month

A wall of snow is set to descend on the UK this month (Image: WXCharts/ PA)

Snow is set to descend in the UK this month as the spring-like temperatures will be abruptly interrupted by wintry conditions. Just as Brits were hanging up their winter coats, a period of plummeting temperatures is heading from the west. From Wednesday, March 26, a wall of snow will fall on the north of England and Scotland. At 6am, households will wake up to 2cm per hour of flurries, with snow settled on the ground near Inverness.

Weather maps from WXCharts show patches of snow making their way across England and Wales throughout the day, with Cumbria, Lancashire, Manchester and Cheshire seeing a snow depth of up to 5cm at midnight of March 27. Western Scotland and most of Wales can expect similar conditions, as showers of 1cm per hour will continue.

Snow will hit the UK on March 26

Snow will hit the UK on March 26 (Image: WXCharts)

Snow will begin to settle on the ground by March 27

Snow will begin to settle on the ground by March 27 (Image: WXCharts)


The wintry weather shows no sign of stopping that week, as snow showers will still be seen at midday on March 27. Scotland will face the brunt, with 1-2cm per hour covering a large area of the country. Snow will settle on the ground in the highlands, with Wales and smaller areas of northern England expecting the same.

The rest of the UK will see patches of rain, with the southwest facing up to 3cm per hour. Cornwall, Devon and Somerset will see most of these conditions as the east of the country remains dry.

Going into March 28, up to 4cm of snow per hour will fall on Scotland, as nearly the whole country is covered in swathes of white and purple. At 6 am., the same conditions extend down to the north of England, with some areas in Wales turning purple, too.

Snow showers will continue into the evening, according to WXCharts, as flurries will still be seen at 6pm in the north of the UK.

The majority of Scotland can expect to see snow

The majority of Scotland can expect to see snow (Image: WXCharts)

Snow will continue throughout March 28

Snow will continue throughout March 28 (Image: WXCharts)


Weather forecaster the predicts a gradual transition to less settled conditions at the end of March. “Rain or showers are expected at times”, they expect, with the wetter weather focusing across the south at first, then more widely later.

According to the ’s long range forecast, “confidence is low, but through the end of March changeable weather patterns are most likely.”

“This means periods of unsettled, wet and windy weather interspersed with some drier and brighter spells,” they add. Heading into early April, the forecaster predicts a transition to more frequent drier and more settled spells.

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