Jesy Nelson revealed she has suffered complication in her pregnancy (Image: Instagram)
A heartbroken Jesy Nelson has revealed that she has suffered complications in her pregnancy. The former star took to with her partner Zion Foster to share an update about their unborn twins with her fans online. In a teary video, she revealed that she is at risk of losing one or both of her unborn twins due to a rare condition as she shared her hopes to raise awareness of her condition.
She explained: “So we just wanted to come on here and do a little video. As some of you may know, we are having twins, which is so exciting for us, and we just wanted to let you in on a bit of a journey of what we’ve been going through. So we are having identical twins, which is so excitng, we’re just like, we actually can’t believe it. But unfortunately, there are complications that come with having identical twins.”
They shared the life-threatening conditions the twins are suffering from (Image: Instagram)
“The type of twins we are having are called Mono/Di twins, and with that, so normally, most twins will have two placentas that they feed off of. But when you have Mono/Di twins, that means your twins live off one placenta, which can lead to lots of complications.
“One of them being one baby might take all the nutrients, the other mightm which is really awful to say, but cuold lead to both babies dying and at the moment, I am currently pre stage TTS, which is twin to twin transfusion, and I’m being monitored very closely.”
Jesy revealed that she is currently being scanned twice a week, admitting that ever time she had gone for a scan it’s “got a little bit worse”. However, she is hoping and praying for the best for their unborn children. She went on: “We feel so like best that we’re really blessed that we’ve been given twins, but it’s just really sad that, unfortunately, it does come with its complications, which we had no idea about. We honestly had no clue that think kind of thing happens when you have twins.”
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