Pretty plant with purple flowers all gardeners are urged to grow in gardens this year

Encourage wildlife into your garden this spring (Image: Getty)

Spring is on its way, and if you want your to teem with life then the experts have recommended the best ways to ensure all the birds, bees and butterflies flock to your backyard. expert Fiona Jenkins from has revealed the best ways for Brits to get some spring life into their gardens and the first step is making surer you understand the wildlife local to you. She recommends people research what species are native to your area and what types of habitats they prefer.

Local wildlife organisations or even a simple search on the internet can help you to identify all of the critters that could benefit from your garden. Fiona said: “Take a look at what you already have – Which are already growing? Is the soil sandy and rich? How much sunlight does your garden receive on an average day? These factors will guide your choices and provide a starting point for thinking about how you can improve the area to make it more wildlife-friendly.”

Don’t miss…

Lavender in the garden on a summer day

Purple is the easiest colour for bees to see (Image: Getty)

One of the ways to do this is to plant things that will encourage pollinators into your back garden. Bees, butterflies, and other pollinators are vital in keeping our ecosystems healthy and thriving. 

To get them into your space, Fiona recommends planting things that provide nectar and pollen over a long season – and stick to single flowers. She said: “Most double flowers are of little use to bees as they struggle to access the central part of the flower where the pollen and nectar are found, so opt for the single-flowered varieties.”

When it comes to colour, purple plants such as lavender and buddleia are perfect, as this is the colour that bees can see most easily.

Fiona said: “Grow a range of trees, shrubs, climbers, and bushes that can provide sources of food and shelter for wildlife. Larger plants, especially trees, support more wildlife and provide cover and nesting sites for insects, birds, and other garden critters.

Plants also serve as a fantastic food source. They offer berries, nuts, and seeds that local wildlife love.”

Another easy way to get more wildlife is to keep a bit of mess lying around. This doesn’t mean you have to let the whole garden go to seed, but by leaving twigs and rocks around, you encourage insects and amphibians into your garden. 

Don’t miss… [REVEAL]

A garden pond with waterlilies

Ponds are a great way to bring in more life (Image: Getty)

If you want even more wildlife, like frogs and fish then the easiest way to add wildlife value to a garden is to install a pond – this could refer to a large dug-out pond or even a small makeshift one built from an inverted dustbin lid or wash basin.

Giving your pond one sloping side or shallow edges will allow creatures easy access and ensure that they can get out again.

A garden pond can attract a range of wildlife, from frogs and toads to dragonflies and herons. A small, shallow or running water feature can also provide water for birds and other insects. Place in an area that you can easily see, both for enjoyment and to allow you to keep an eye out for predators.

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