Wheeler Dealers’ Edd China ‘loses temper’ with a classic car (Image: Discovery)
Ex- presenter Edd China once lost his cool restoring a Sunbeam Alpine engine.
The former star of the popular restoration show upgrading the engine as part of a build on the TV series.
Edd struggled with the engine bay and described the work as one of the ”most frustrating jobs in recent memory”.
He quickly lost his temper and started swearing as he worked
The issue developed as the Wheeler Dealers crew restored a historic 1963 Sunbeam Alpine in an episode which first aired back in 2016.
Edd worked on the cyclinders of the Sunbeam Alpine engine (Image: Discovery)
Edd said: “The porting job on the Sunbeam engine was one of the most rewarding and most frustrating jobs in recent memory.
“A partial upgrade had taken place at some point but without taking the time to do this job, we’d never have realised the full potential of that engine.
“The first stage really involved quite a coarse fur or set of furs really just to remove a lot of metal reasonably quickly.
“The idea is to get rid of any lumps and bumps and any inconsistencies but also to get rid of any sharp angles, particularly on the tightest curves. That way the air is definitely going to flow through but then we need to think of other obvious instructions.
“Now we are going to start using a little sanding tool, it’s a little bit less aggressive and I can kind of work away at things like the flashing which is basically just excess metal left over from the casting process.
“I’ve now done all the coarse grinding and the sanding so now I’ve got a really lovely shape there.”
However, Edd had spent four hours on just one cylinder, with several more to complete before the work could be completed.
The pressure eventually took its toll on Edd who quickly lost his temper at the engine block as he erupted into fury.
He shouted “**** hell” at the tool, before repeating the phrase again as he chucked his sander onto the table.
Edd was the face of Wheeler Dealers alongside Mike Brewer for 14 years
He has previously explained he with the new producers of the show.