Remove fake tan stains from bedding in minutes with 2 simple ingredients

Fake tan is great but can leave your bedding stained (Image: Getty)

Summer is on its way and if the winter has left you feeling a little pale, you might be thinking about a little self tan to make sure you’re bronzed and ready for the sunshine.

However, one of the most annoying things about fake tan is its habit of leaving those unappealing brown stains on your nice crisp bedsheets.

You don’t have to throw these stained linens away though – there are a few ways to those unsightly stains without spending loads on expensive stain removal products.

In fact, you likely already have the items you need in your kitchen at home. 

One of the most common homemade stain removers is the tried and true and  method. 

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Natural and eco friendly home cleaning products: Baking soda, white vinegar, lemon, scrubbing brush and cleaning sponge

Baking soda and vinegar are an effective cleaner (Image: Getty)

Shake baking soda directly onto the stained area, then pour some white vinegar over it. The foaming action helps lift the tan from the fabric.

Be sure to let the solution sit for 15 minutes and then wash as usual in the washing machine.

Another classic is lemon juice and salt – lemon juice is a natural bleaching agent, while salt is a gentle abrasion to lift stains.

Mix fresh lemon juice with a teaspoon of salt and gently rub it onto the stain. Place it in direct sunlight for an extra boost before washing normally.

One of the less common methods for removing self tan stains is something you probably already have in the fridge – milk.

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A glass of milk with a splash of milk on a dark wooden board

Milk can help remove stains (Image: Getty)

Pour enough milk into a bowl to submerge the stained area and let it sit for at least an hour before washing as usual. The lactic acid helps break down the tan residue.

Another handy trick is to use a combination of dish soap and hydrogen peroxide (an antiseptic) to effectively break down stubborn stains.

Mix equal parts of both, apply to the affected area, and let it sit for 30 minutes before rinsing with cold water and washing as normal.

Finally, you can also try bicarbonate of soda. Mix a paste using bicarb and a bit of water then rub the paste on to the stains and let it sit for half an hour before gently scrubbing it and washing the sheets.

This method will be especially effective for older stains that have had time to set into the fabric. 

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