Antiques Road Trip expert exposes biggest ever profit that’s ‘not to be sneezed at’

star Izzie Balmer admitted her biggest profit is “not to be sneezed at”.

In an official Live interview for the show, Izzie confessed she gets asked “a lot” about the biggest amount of money she’s made on the programme.

She explained: “The biggest profit I’ve ever made on Road Trip… I have to say, I don’t make huge profits. I think my biggest profit was only probably… I don’t know, probably £150 or £200. Which is not to be sneezed at, admittedly.

“But I haven’t yet had any of the four-figure profits that some of my more learned colleagues and fellow Road Trippers have had. But I can keep looking and keep trying.”

She added: “It’d be nice to find a Bergmann bronze, that would be exciting. Everyone always wants to find a diamond, don’t they?

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Izzie Balmer exposed her biggest profit (Image: BBC)

“Which has actually been done before – when something was being sold as costume jewellery and they were in fact diamonds, really tiny ones. I’d like to find a great big diamond.”

Izzie inched closer to her goal in November 2024 when she spotted a Georgian ring with a “distinctive colour” she said “will be gold”. Izzie estimated at the time: “It isn’t hallmarked. I would say from the colour, possibly 15 carats.”

Izzie Balmer

Izzie has her sights set on a higher profit (Image: BBC)

Izzie bagged the ring for £55 after some haggling, and took it to auction where prices started at £300. The gavel finally fell at £700, netting her an incredible profit of £645 and bringing her total for the episode up to £872.40 – which was donated to Children In Need.

The biggest ever profit on Road Trip was made by Paul Laidlaw’s rare camera, which sold for £20,000 at auction. He had paid just £60 for the Chamber Automatique camera, cinching him a profit of £19,940 when it went to auction at Bury St Edmunds.

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