People have been left gobsmacked by the list of rules (stock image) (Image: Getty)
People have been left outraged over the 19 list of requirements to become a in the 1950s – including having ‘nice hands’ and a ‘good carriage’.
The list, titled Qualifications for Stewardess, includes one education requirement alongside its 11 rules and regulations referencing her appearance.
The 1950s and 1960s are often referred to as The Golden Age of – with many former war pilots taking to the air for commercial flights for the first time. By the 1950s, women dominated the flight attendant profession as airlines could get away with paying them at a much lower rate than men.
A statement from the National Air and Space Museum reads: “Sexist restrictions caused a large turnover of women, but airlines could pay them less than men, who tended to stay in their jobs longer. Airlines promoted a glamorous image of female flight attendants to attract male passengers.
“Typically, only young, attractive, unmarried, white women could be stewardesses, or ‘hostesses,’ which also became popular. However, Ruth Carol Taylor challenged that standard when she became the first African American flight attendant in 1958.”
by in
Published by Chicago and Southern Air Lines in 1954, the list reads:
- Single – Not engaged.
- Between the ages of 22 and 28
- Between 5’2 and 5’5
- Between 100 and 120 pounds
- Good eyesight (No glasses)
- Good teeth (Even no gold showing when smiling)
- Good figure
- Slender legs
- Natural colour to hair
- At least four years of college or two years of college and two years business experience
- The ability to carry on a lively conversation
- Good carriage
- Even temper – must not become provoked by demands of passengers
- Willing and anxious to please
- Willing to transfer
- Citizen of the United States
- Excellent health
- Clear skin
- Nice hands
Commenting on the requirements, on user said: “This reads like a bunch of dudes sitting around a typewriter with one of them occasionally saying: ‘Oh and don’t forget ______’.” Another user said: “My mum managed to get in because she was very pretty, and smart. She was 19, nothing beyond her high school education.
“She had a good head on her shoulders, passed their difficult training, and quit after a few years because it was disgusting being grabbed all the time by passengers and pilots.” A third user said: “I love how literally everything is superficial. All about looks and such. And then, oh yeah, four year college degree required…”
According to The Travel Academy, today’s only appearance-based requirements to become a flight attendant include a 4”11 to 6’4 height restriction, and no facial piercing, excluding the classic earlobe piercing. However, the requirements on tattoo varies for each airline.