Texas dad may be charged for using baby to clear snow off windshield

What started as a joke could turn into criminal charges for a 25-year-old man in Texas who was reportedly just looking to get TikTok views.

The man, seen dressed in a T-shirt and jeans in a viral video using his three-month-old baby, fully clothed in winter gear, to help clear snow off his car’s windshield in Port Arthur, Tex., during last week’s historic snowfall in the Southern U.S., could now be looking at child endangerment charges, says Beaumont ABC-NBC affiliate KBMT.

Apparently videos of parents using their kids to wipe snow off of windshields are nothing new, but they normally involve much older children.

Texas Police are currently trying to obtain an arrest warrant for child endangerment and the Jefferson County District Attorney’s Office could issue a warrant for the man’s arrest as soon as this week.


“After observing the video online, Port Arthur Police Department and Child Protective Services started investigating,” KBMT reported.

12newsnow.com say the cops were tipped off about the TikTok video on the same day it was posted and performed a welfare check on the baby who police say is “just fine.”

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