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A pack of dishwasher-cleaning tablets
A bottle of Lash Princess mascara
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Promising review: “My dishwasher was broken until I used these to correct the problem. It’s unbelievable how these work. My dishwasher wouldn’t complete a cycle without leaving standing water in the bottom. I tried everything to solve the problem and had completely stopped using the dishwasher. I stumbled across these completely by luck and thought I’d give them a try. I used two and ran a cycle with an empty dishwasher, and unbelievably, when the dishwasher finished the cycle, not only was there no water standing, the inside of the dishwasher was spotless! I couldn’t believe my eyes, and I couldn’t be happier that I now have a dishwasher I can use again. I will use once a month to keep my dishwasher running smoothly. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND these; they are remarkable.” — Gerry Stormer
Promising review: “Affresh Washing Machine Cleaner tabs — I have never cleaned my washer before after six years of ownership. OMG!! The funk that came out was unbelievable! I didn’t realize that I’d have to wipe away the gunk from the basin, so at first I thought I had ruined my washer. I wiped it out and ran on cleaning cycle again, and more gunk came out! Had to do it three times and then do another rinse cycle. Unbelievable!” — Stacey
Promising review: “This stuff is unbelievable! I’ve used my coffee thermos just about every weekday for around a year now, drinking black coffee so my thermos was basically black. I figured this stuff would make it like a thinner black, maybe cut it to brown, but after soaking for just a couple hours, my thermos was shiny and silver again, like brand new. I am still in awe at how well it worked. Cheap, too, especially assuming I’ll only have to use it maybe once a month to keep it clean. I will be recommending it to everyone at the office.” — Brandon Bogert