Cleaning your toilet doesn’t have to be a chore (stock photo) (Image: Getty)
Cleaning your toilet could be a breeze with this hack.
As much as many of us don’t like the idea of having to scrub our , they are one of the areas of our homes that need the most regular . They can get dirty quickly if left unattended for too long, and they’re a haven for bacteria and will soon become unhygienic if you don’t keep on top it.
You may have a set routine for cleaning your loo, but for some people, tackling the porcelain beast is tricky – especially if you’ve never been shown how to do it properly.
But if you’re struggling on where to start, worry not, as one cleaning expert on has gone by sharing beginner-friendly videos that will help you clean your entire house from top to bottom.
Alyssa recently shared a clip explaining how to properly clean a toilet, and even included one helpful tip on how to remove hard water stains from the toilet bowl that left even seasoned cleaners gobsmacked.
In her video, Alyssa started by listing all the cleaning supplies she uses when cleaning a toilet. She said you can wear gloves if you want to, and will also need your favourite toilet bowl cleaner, paper towels, and a spray bottle of cleaner or disinfectant.
The first thing Alyssa did was dry dust the outside of her toilet. This included the top of the cistern, top of the seat, seat hinges, and toilet base. She said if you skip this step, you end up just “spraying dust” with your disinfectant, and you’ll have a harder time cleaning it up.
Next, she sprayed the entire toilet with disinfectant. She let this sit while she ran her toilet bowl cleaner around the rim of the bowl, and then while that was sitting, she went back to the outside of the toilet and wiped it down with paper towels.
She then cleans the inside of her toilet with a toilet brush, and leaves it under the toilet seat so that it can drip dry into the bowl. Alyssa said she sprays her brush with disinfectant when she’s finished cleaning the bowl to help keep the brush clean.
But it was Alyssa’s tips for deep cleaning a toilet that got people talking. She said if your toilet has hard water stains or mineral build-up that won’t come off with regular toilet cleaner, then there’s one item you can use that’s most commonly used in skincare – a pumice stone.
Her advice was to take a pumice stone, wet it, and then use it to scrub the stained areas. It’s important to wet the stone first when using it for this purpose, as a dry stone may be too abrasive and could scratch the porcelain.
Pumice stones are most often used in skincare to exfoliate and remove tough skin like that found on your feet. However, it should go without saying you should buy a new pumice stone if you’re planning on using it for your toilet and keep it far away from the one you use on your skin.
Commenters on the video were thankful to Alyssa for sharing her cleaning tips. Many said they had never been taught how to clean so her advice was very helpful, while even those who knew what they were doing said they learnt something new.
One person said: “This is so needed, some people literally didn’t acquire such skills at home. Or acquired only some of them. I, for example, have never cleaned a microwave because we didn’t have one.”
Another added: “This was actually very helpful! Specifically the dry dusting and not using bleach on a wood toilet because yes, it will ruin it!”