On the Buses star’s two sisters both co-starred in sitcom – but nobody knew who they were

became a firm favourite among viewers after landing on in 1969.

The hilarious sitcom followed Stan Butler (played by Reg Varney) and Jack Harper (Bob Grant) as they worked shifts on Luxton’s number 11 bus.

Their hilarious antics were a quick hit with fans. The duo was forced to answer to Inspector Blakey (Stephen Lewis), who was also the bane of their existence.

Fans also gained insight into their personal lives as Stan lived at home with his sister Olive (Anna Karen) and her husband Arthur (Michael Robbins) plus his dear old mum Mabel Butler (Cicely Courtniedge), who was replaced by Doris Hare from season two onwards.

Following the show’s finale in 1973, many fun facts and trivia about the sitcom were unearthed, including Hare’s family ties to On the Buses.

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On the Buses

On the Buses aired on ITV from 1969 until 1973 (Image: ITV)

Hare had real-life relatives star in the sitcom as both her sisters Betty Hare and Winifred Braemer made multiple appearances in the series.

Betty didn’t stray far from her real-life role, as she played Hare’s on-screen sister, Aunt Maud.

During the 1969 episode, Maud came to stay with Marcus, her huge wolfhound which proved to be a major issue for Stan due to the changes in sleeping arrangements.

He was forced to bunk with Arthur, which meant a sleepless night for the bus driver.

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Doris Hare and her sisters

Doris Hare and her sisters, Winfred Braemar and Betty Hare (Image: Facebook )

Hare’s sister Braemer starred as Winnie and made two appearances in 1971, in the episodes titled The Kids’ Outing and The Lodger.

After the show ended, it was revealed that there were plans for the show to be revived as Back on the Buses, with Stan as a wealthy businessman looking to start his own bus company.

Although the cast appeared on Wogan to promote the new series and Varney discussed plans for the pilot episode on This Morning, it was never made.

Hare went on to enjoy a successful career, having starred on Why Didn’t They Ask Evans, Nuns on the Run and a stint on before her death in 2000.

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