Daily Express January Sale – Get your papers for only 85p a day FOR SIX MONTHS


DXSX Subs (Image: DXSX Subs)

If you’re not already a Daily Express subscriber – why not take the plunge this New Year and enjoy the papers your love for only 85p a day for six months, including your Sunday Express too!

Delivering the news that matters to you, from hard-hitting articles, special features and expert journalism, along with the sport you love – look forward to taking time for yourself everyday with this great deal. They also keep you updated on the latest Royal news, fashion, TV and entertainment as well as a host of great reader offers, puzzles and competitions.

So, don’t miss our fantastic subscription offer to get your papers for 85p a day for six months.

There are 2 easy ways to redeem this great offer: 1) Home delivery via our direct service

  • We have a long established, reliable, and efficient home delivery network in many parts of the UK. Please note this option is not available in Scotland or NI.
  • To order online visit
  • Once you’re there, simply select the HOME DELIVERY option and enter the offer code CP25 when prompted to receive your special discount

2) Collect or delivered by your local newsagent If you’d like to arrange home delivery by your local newsagent, contact them directly and they will be happy to take your order.

  • To order online visit
  • Once you’re there, simply select the VOUCHER option and enter the offer code CP25 when prompted to receive your offer to pay half price for the next 26 weeks of Daily and Sunday papers
  • Complete your details and we will send you dated vouchers for you to give to the newsagent as payment for your paper – or choose to have your newspaper delivered, subject to availability

Alternatively you can call us on 0345 149 4848 and one of our team will be happy to help.

*Terms and conditions: Offer open to new subscription customers only. This offer entitles you to receive both your Daily and Sunday papers at a rate of 85p a day for 26 weeks and then a 10% discount thereafter. This offer is redeemable by direct debit (taken by a monthly payment plan). Voucher orders: You will be sent individually dated pre-paid vouchers (to redeem at the retailer) within 14 days by post and use the vouchers as payment. You can also arrange home delivery with a newsagent, a delivery charge will apply. Phone lines are open Mon-Fri 9am-5pm, (closed on Bank Holidays), standard call charges apply. Offer valid until Sunday February 9, 2025.

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