Cristo Foufas threw his guest off the air in a furious TV moment (Image: Talk TV)
host Cristo Foufas lost his temper with economic justice campaigner Richard Murphy as their debate on privatisation turned very heated.
As their debate escalated, Cristo paused and said: “I’m just waiting one second because the bosses at Talk TV are just in my ear now telling me I’ve said the wrong thing and I’m going to be unable to do the rest of the show now because I have a line I’m supposed to give on privatisation.
“People can have different opinions on Talk TV, Richard.”
Murphy then quickly hit back as he scolded Foufas for how “rude” he had been to regular guest, journalist and commentator Jonathan Lis, as he raged: “I saw how rude you were to Jonathan and now you’re telling me I’m rude, I’m sorry I don’t accept that, I’m being robust with you because you were so rude and condescending to him when you went off air.”
He continued: “So don’t invite me back, because I only like talking to rational people and you’re talking a load of economic nonsense.”
A furious Foufas terminated the interview as he raged: “Since when did you become the gatekeeper of what I’m allowed to say to guests who I’ve known for the best part of a decade?
“I tell you what Richard, if it is so offensive to you then we’ll say goodbye, thank you very much and have a lovely Christmas.”
Murphy was then taken off screen as Foufas told viewers: “I won’t be told by you what I can say and what I can’t say to guests, and I think that might be the first time I’ve ever thrown a guest off Talk TV.”