You have 20/20 vision if you can spot the cat amongst the foxes in 7 seconds or less

cat and foxes brainteaser

Can you spot the crafty cat hiding among the foxes? (Image: BrainManager)

Can you spot the cat hiding among the foxes in this ? a website that tests IQ through various quizzes online, hid the creature in an image packed to the rafters with foxes, making it really tricky to find.

The site says the illusion was designed for both kids and adults alike, and is a good way to test your brain regardless of age. Seasoned puzzlers take various approaches to spotting hidden objects, with some moving methodically across from top to bottom while keeping an eye out for anything amiss. Scroll down and see if you can pick the pet out amongst the crowd.


Full size picture of the brainteaser

The cat is hidden somewhere in this image. (Image: BrainManager)

Those who found it will have spotted the pet peeping out from behind a foxes head on the right side of the image.

The cat is located less than halfway down, partially obscured by the skulk of foxes filling the picture.

If you weren’t able to spot it, the concealed creature’s location is revealed below.


Image showing cat's location in brainteaser

The crafty cat is hidden on the right-hand side of the image. (Image: BrainManager)

But if that got the better of you, don’t despair, as we’ve got all manner of to sharpen your senses.

Another recent by, lays down a deceptively simple challenge, counting the number of triangles in a picture.

, as well as three angles arranged in a way that suggests the presence of a white, equilateral triangle.

The task is to , but it’s harder than it looks.

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