Gardeners are being urged to hang CDs in their garden over the spring (Image: Alex Evans)
Gardeners are being urged to hang CDs in their gardens this spring to defend against intruders like pigeons which could harm your growing plants and crops.
While generally want to encourage birds in their outdoor spaces, boosting breeding wildlife and nesting birds like robins, sparrows and thrushes, pigeons in particular can be a bit of a nuisance in spring – they are often a pest, taking food away from more endangered species and making a mess of raised beds. Garden Wildlife Direct says: “Feeding and caring for garden birds is vital for conserving species and helping our environment thrive all year round. However, one species that most gardeners could happily do without is pigeons. Considered a pest species, pigeons are potentially damaging birds that can cause serious trouble in a garden. It’s only natural to want to deter them.”
experts of a certain age will remember CDs: the shiny metal objects we used to use to store music on before Spotify came along, although this tip will also work with DVDs.
CDs or DVDs in your garden can protect your crops (Image: Alex Evans)
are being encouraged to give their tatty old albums from the glovebox a second lease of life thanks to a genius method which will stop birds like pigeons from ruining your spring planting.
CDs hanging in your garden can scare away pigeons. The reflecting light startles birds like pigeons and other nuisance birds.
They will not approach an area with CDs as the reflecting light startles them. A breeze in the wind catches them and they randomly reflect in different directions, which scares birds away.
Gardening page Food For Trees & Africa said: “Did you know that by hanging old CDs around your food garden, you’ll startle birds with the reflecting light and keep them away from your vegetables and herbs. It’s a trick we’ve put into action at the Food & Trees for Africa food garden.
“Start by hanging the discs loosely so that the slightest breeze makes them spin and catch the sun’s rays. Every now and then, change their location around your beds to prevent the birds from getting accustomed to them.”
The CDs will instantly kickstart birds’ flight response and they will rush to get away from them.
Just make sure to change the location of the discs every now and again to stop birds getting used to where it’s coming from.
Of course, it’s generally considered good practice to try to feed hungry birds. So, offer them fresh nuts, sliced fruits and seeds, raisins and sultanas on a dedicated bird table or feeder, away from what you’re trying to grow,