Expert shares 7 things Brits should do now to pollen-proof home for hay fever season

Hay fever is common at this time of year with many Brits suffering from the allergy (Image: Getty Images)

Searches for have soared across the UK as tree pollen season is underway. The announced that pollen season is underway with a warning that hay fever could be more severe than usual, with alder and hazel trees already triggering allergies.

With warmer weather settling in, Brits who suffer with hayfever are bracing for coping with their allergies. It’s essential for hay fever sufferers to take preventative measures now. To help allergy sufferers, Glen Peskett, DIY expert at , has outlined how to allergy-proof your home as we head into spring.

A bee in the pollen of a flower

There are easy ways to reduce pollen levels in your home (Image: Getty Images)



Peskett says: “It’s important to get fresh air, and when the weather begins to improve, it’s even more tempting to open your home up to the warmer elements.

“However, during peak times (usually between 10 am and 3 pm, and on windy days), it’s extremely beneficial to keep your windows and doors shut.”

Washing lines

Warmer weather often means you want to hang your clothes on the washing line outside but pollen levels can attach to your laundry.

It’s best to opt for a tumble dryer or simply stick with your indoor clothes horse instead to keep low inside your home, Peskett says.


He adds that prevention is better than a cure when it comes to .

Peskett says: “Investing in a good air purifier with a HEPA filter, which traps airborne allergens like pollen, can really help if you’re prone to hay fever.

“Don’t forget to replace the filter regularly though, to keep it working at its best.”


Another tip is to hoover regularly which can be very effective in .

You should purchase a vacuum cleaner that has a HEPA filter if yours doesn’t already have one, but most top brands such as Sharp, Dyson, and Miele include them in their models.

A woman with hay fever

Brits are looking for ways to reduce their symptoms as allergies become present over spring (Image: Getty Images)


Declutter and dust

Clutter provides a perfect home for , and with spring just around the corner, so now is the perfect time for a deep clean.

Along with a big spring clean, it’s important to also regularly clean and declutter your home; use a damp cloth for dusting to avoid sending those allergens flying into the air or onto other surfaces.

Shoes at the door

If you don’t already have a ‘no shoes indoors’ rule, now is the time to start. Pollen can easily cling to the soles of your shoes and be tracked throughout your home.

Leaving footwear at the door helps reduce the amount of pollen brought inside, making it an easy but effective step to your space.


Pollen doesn’t just stick to your clothes, it can also settle in your hair which leads to lingering allergy symptoms.

Peskett adds: “To minimise exposure, make sure to shower and wash your hair after spending time outdoors.

“Be sure to change and wash your clothes as well to from spreading inside your home.”

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