I tried a £35 Easter egg – it was delicious despite having 1 important ingredient missing

Extra-Thick Easter Eggs from Hotel Chocolat (Image: Rebecca Koncienzcy)

I don’t think I have ever paid more than £8 for a chocolate Easter egg. But I do remember getting an incredibly fancy egg when I was a child and being in awe of it, so perhaps splashing out once a year isn’t such a bad idea.

Maybe I increase my Easter egg budget to £10? Or £20? Or what about more than £30 – for a chocolate Easter egg. So I was very happy to try the Extra-Thick eggs to see if they were worth their £34.95 price tag. I tried the Exuberantly Fruity and Unbelievably Vegan* Extra Thick Eggs, but they also have six other eggs to choose from. 

Don’t miss…

I tried the Exuberantly Fruity and Unbelievably Vegan* Extra Thick Eggs, but they also have six other eggs to choose from. 

There’s the Tipsy egg (with truffles made with “generous measures of premium alcohol”), the Serious Dark Fix egg (made with 70% dark chocolate), the Patisserie (inspired by brownies and cheesecakes), the Milk to Caramel egg (made from caramel-milk chocolate), the Exquisitely Nutty egg (made with milk chocolate and praline) and the Everything egg (a fusion of milk and dark chocolate). 

All come with a section of specially designed Easter-themed chocolates, so, there really is something for everyone. 


Extra-Thick Easter Egg – Unbelievably Vegan

Extra Thick Easter Egg – Unbelievably Vegan (Image: Hotel Chocolat)

Firstly, I was impressed with the sleek design made from recycled paper. They looked like futuristic orbs and my sister-in-law thought they were lamps, wanting to keep the chocolate for myself, I didn’t correct her. 

I love the amount of truffles and Easter-themed chocolates inside these beautifully presented eggs. It was nostalgic and fun opening the eggs to find them inside. 

You do get a slightly smaller number of chocolates inside the vegan egg than is in the fruity egg, but I think overall, it evens out as some of the vegan truffles are slightly larger than the fruit-inspired chocolates.

And the vegan peanut butter truffle is divine; I could eat a box of those by themselves. 

Extra-Thick Easter Egg – Exuberantly Fruity

Extra Thick Easter Egg – Exuberantly Fruity (Image: Hotel Choclate)

I loved the smooth strawberry-infused chocolate of the Exuberantly Fruity egg, which was my favourite of the two, but if I didn’t know the vegan egg was vegan, I would not have been able to tell.

Despite missing what I would consider an important ingredient of chocolate – milk – this dark, rich and smooth chocolate was delicious. 

They used hazelnut milk, which gave it a deliciously dark nuttiness, like a grown-up Nutella flavour. This is a must for everyone, not just vegans. 

I think given the presentation and the depth of flavours and the speciality chocolates that have been crafted just for Easter, this is worth the £34.95 and I could easily see myself buying one of these for someone special who I could share it with. 

You can buy all the Hotel Chocolat Extra Thick Egg range . 

Some vegans may want to note the asterisks on the vegan egg; Hotel Chocolat said: “We believe our dark and Nutmilk chocolate is suitable for vegans, however as it is made in the same environment as our milk chocolate, we cannot guarantee it is free from milk.”

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