The easy switch Brits are urged to do when using electricity-guzzling appliance – save £24

Making small changes could lead to big savings on your energy bills (Image: Getty Images)

Making this one swap could help you save on your and it’s an easy way to save money. A home heating expert has shared the best everyone should make to help save money.

Millions are set to see electricity costs hiked from April 1 when the energy price cap will rise £111 per year to £1,849 for the average household. Mark Ingram, technical gas and plumbing tutor at , says minor changes can save hundreds over the course of a year. He said: “ are on everyone’s minds at the moment, so knowing how to save even small amounts here and there has never been more important.

A person putting a yellow towel into a washing machine

Washing machines are a huge contributor to energy costs (Image: Getty Images)


“There are obviously big changes people can undertake to make their home more eco-friendly and save them money in the long run, such as installing solar panels, but there are small changes you can make almost instantly, too.”

One tip the expert shared is to wash at 30 and do full loads.

The is one of the most used appliances in most households, accounting for around 4% of household electricity, according to EON. 

Around £24 a year could be saved by turning the temperature down to 30C and doing one load less a week, the Energy Saving Trust states. 

Mr Ingram said: “Most households could probably reduce their weekly washing by making sure each load is full, but not overfull, before they start the cycle.”

A washing line with clothes on it

Now that warmer weather is on the way, you can use your washing line instead of your tumble dryer (Image: Getty Images)


But this isn’t the only Mr Ingram shared.

He said it’s also important to avoid using a tumble dryer if you have one.

With warmer weather on the way it’s time to make the most of the washing line. 

Mr Ingram said: “ take a huge amount of energy so if you can find other ways to dry your clothes, it’s well worth doing. 

“In warmer weather hang your clothes outside and in cooler weather consider heated air racks indoors.”

By making these simple changes, you could while being more energy efficient.

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