Mrs Hinch updated fans from her hospital bed (Image: Instagram/mrshinchhome)
adored by millions for her tips and family life shares, has been rushed to the with a frightening scare that led to an operation. The social media sensation, also known as Sophie Hinchliffe, took to her account to provide a candid update to her legion of followers, opening up about her challenging year.
The cleanfluencer posted on , detailing the recent events: “I’m not really sure where to start with this week guys. I’ve actually bumped into quite a few followers in hospital. So I just thought I’d update you a bit because I share a lot with you here. The good, the bad and the ugly.”
After experiencing severe symptoms, underwent medical tests that confirmed her fears: “Anyway to cut a long story short, I had a blood clot in my groin / pelvis / leg area. I haven’t had one since 2018 and then another one decides to hit me three weeks . What a 12 months it’s been.”
While recovering, she revealed her emotional state, recounting interactions with fans during her stressful A&E visit: “Getting emotional, then said she had bumped into some really lovely followers in A&E and they asked what I was doing here and I told them I think I’ve got a blood clot in my leg. I was right. But keeping positive.”, reports
Mrs Hinch took herself back to hospital once again after experiencing continued pain (Image: Instagram/mrshinchhome)
Sophie shared a candid account of her health scare, saying: “They managed to go in through my leg. They didn’t go through in my neck in the end. They hoovered out the blood clot and they hoovered my stents out. They’ve literally hoovered me which is ironic isn’t it?” adding with a chuckle, “I think I’ve still got quite a lot of painkillers or anaesthetic in my system so I’m probably not making sense.”
The good news was on the horizon as Sophie eagerly anticipated returning home, expressing her longing to reunite with her family: “They’ve said I can go home tomorrow. And I cannot wait to just pick up Vinnie – that newborn smell. I’m swear I’m getting withdrawal symptoms from him. But how are you all doing?”
She recounted a touching moment, “I’ve had a lovely FaceTime with the boys, that was amazing, and I should be back home in my newborn bubble with my little family tomorrow … I got put through a CT scan and they said there’s no blood clot, you can go home. I went home; my leg got bigger and bigger. I came back to a different hospital and they scanned me and said we need to operate, you’ve got a big blood clot.”
Mrs HInch’s young son was there to welcome baby Vinnie home (Image: Instagram)
Reflecting on her ordeal, she muses: “How mad is that? And that keeps playing on my mind. What if I didn’t come back? Just trust your gut guys. Trust your bloody gut. Anyway over and out from me and blood clot. I can’t wait to wake up in the morning and get home.”
has candidly shared her emotional journey of the past year, which culminated in the birth of her son Vinnie Alan Barker. Announcing his arrival, she said: “Vinnie Alan Barker Hinchliffe. Born 18th February at 12:21pm, 6lb7oz. Our beautiful little heart healer entered the world In the month we needed him most, February. February is my Dads birthday month, my birthday month, … And now, it’s our Vinnies. The signs, the comfort ,the joy, you really are just everything we have needed and more Vinnie. Now it’s time to meet your beautiful big brothers, and start the next chapter in our Hinch story.”
In April 2024, Sophie’s father tragically passed away in his sleep. She posted a heartfelt tribute to him, saying: “25th April 2024. My precious Dad passed suddenly but so peacefully whilst he slept. My life, our whole world, has been turned upside down. A deep unimaginable pain I cannot put into words. My loving Dad, Your workshop is locked up and I sleep with the key. I promise to keep your workshop dream going.
“Until we meet and sing together again. Goodnight Dad My absolute king Your Bubberloo. Grief, I’ve learned, is really just love. It’s all the love you want to give, but cannot. All that unspent love gathers up in the corners of your eyes, the lump in your throat, and in that hollow part of your chest. Grief is just love with no place to go.”