always watching – new hi-tech cameras (Image: Emma Trimble / SWNS)
EAGLE eyed AI cameras that can see if drivers are using their phones behind the wheel or even spot if they are not wearing a seatbelt have snared thousands of unexpecting UK motorists.
The revelation comes amongst new data that show UK speeding fines have surged 14% in the past three years, with a record 3.3 million issued in 2024 alone.
And the AI-powered speed cameras, first introduced in 2021, have already caught over 2,300 drivers for a variety of offences.
The study found that nine million drivers have fallen foul of speed cameras since 2022 of which 38% were ordered to pay a financial fined. A third of these drivers admitted receiving multiple penalties.
Experts warn that the financial hit often goes beyond the fine itself, with offenders seeing their car insurance increase by an average of £139 as a result.
And only one in four (24%) know that speeding fines are often based on your annual income rather than a set amount.
The data was obtained by a Freedom of Information requests submitted to UK Police Forces.
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New police speed camera vans can spot drunk and drug drivers from a mile away (Image: Emma Trimble / SWNS)
According to the findings, more than 3.3 million Notices of Intended Prosecution (NIP) were issued to drivers in 2024 – the highest recorded in the past three years and a sharp increase in comparison to 2022, where just over 2.9 million offences were reported.
In recent years, the Department for Transport (DfT) has been increasing parameters and systems to improve road safety with the installation of more speed cameras down and the reduction of speed limits to 20 mph in residential areas.
And one of the fastest-developing initiatives for this has been the piloting of Artificial Intelligence (AI) speed cameras. Using the constantly evolving artificial intelligence services means law enforcers can actually see what is going on inside a vehicle, recording razor sharp images that fully determine the driver’s appearance and other close up details. It can also automatically confirm the make and model of the car.
Yet despite only piloting on UK roads in 2021, 2,341 drivers have been caught by AI cameras to date. Of the 35 police constabularies who responded, five currently have AI cameras in place, with another two planning to roll them out soon.
When it comes to speeding, the Metropolitan police constabulary caught the most number of drivers in the last year, followed by West Yorkshire and Devon & Cornwall.
In terms of why people speed, a third (31%) say they were unaware they were speeding in the first place, whilst 40% say it’s because they were running late or needed to get somewhere faster.
In line with this, nearly half (46%) would drive over the speed limit if it was an emergency. But worryingly, 1 in 5 (20%) admit they would speed just to overtake another driver. A further 1 in 10 (11%) admit they would speed if they thought there weren’t any cameras.
Record numbers snared in 2024 (Image: Emma Trimble / SWNS)
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Rhydian Jones, car insurance expert said: “Our latest research found that over 9 million drivers have been caught speeding in the last 3 years. That’s as the number of speeding fines in 2024 14% higher than those caught in 2022. But speeding isn’t the only issue, as distractions like mobile phones cause dangerous driving too.
“That’s why the piloting of AI speed cameras is a step in the right direction to improve road safety. The technology can spot drivers and passengers not wearing a seatbelt or using their phone behind the wheel. The hope is that this will really help to crack down on drivers who risk the safety of themselves and other road users when behind the wheel.
“If you’re fined for speeding, the minimum cost is £100 and 3 points on your licence. But in some cases, the amount can depend on your annual income, which band your fine falls into and how much faster than the limit you were driving. Using our speeding fine calculator will help you to work out how much you might owe if you are caught.”
Check how much you might need to pay using the