Adding more cleaning appliances to that already-crammed closet is about as enticing as using a mop bucket in 2025, but we found one that reviewers say is absolutely essential to cleaning those hard surfaces. The Shark all-in-one steam mop cuts cleaning time in half and saves “hours of back-breaking labor” by steaming, scrubbing and sanitizing your hard floors at the same time — like a big brother version of the HuffPost-reader favorite electric spin brush. According to one reviewer, it’s actually a “life-changing” product that steam mopped their floors so well, they truly thought they were cleaned “for the first time ever.” The mop doesn’t need cleaner or chemicals, either — just fill the tank with water, turn it on and watch the machine automatically scrub its pads against your floors with heat and vapor.
If this cleaner sounds like a dream for you, you’ll love its current sale price: $109.99, down from the regular $149.99. That’s 27% off its usual price tag! Not a bad for pristine floors.

Equipped with LED lights so you can carefully scan for crud and scuffs, the steamer has two large scrubbing pads that rotate, wipe and polish the floors, so you don’t have to get down on your hands and knees to manually wipe at those tough areas. The steaming action helps rinse and vaporize those tough stuck-on stains, while three steaming options sets temps for quick cleanups, everyday use or deep stains. The brand claims its steam mop provides 150 scrubs per minute.
Designed for marble, tile, stone and hardwood floors, the steam mop doesn’t can clean various surfaces with a chemical-free process (an extra plus if you have pets, kids or other sensitivities). After filling the tank, its hot temperature is enough to sanitize your floors, saving you money on regular soap purchases in the long run. Once you’re done cleaning, you can remove the cloths from the scrubbing pads, toss those in the wash and line dry them for your next steam clean.
Grab this Shark steam cleaner while it’s nearly 30% off today, and keep reading for some more promising reviews from users raving about their shiny, like-new floors.
“Yesterday, I cleaned all the floors in my 4,600-square-foot house, and for the first time ever, I felt like there was absolutely nothing left on them. No dust, no dirt, no dog hair—just truly clean floors. One of the best things about the Shark 3-in-1 Steam Mop Vac is that it cuts my cleaning time in half. Before, I had to vacuum first, then mop with a bucket of water—constantly changing out dirty water after every room just to avoid spreading grime. This machine eliminates that whole process. It vacuums and mops at the same time with steam, so I’m not just pushing around dirty water—I’m actually sanitizing. Another big plus: all you need is water. It produces a lot of steam and effortlessly cuts through dirt, dust, and pet hair. The vacuum works well, and there’s no need for chemicals. That said, you do have to clean it after every use, which includes emptying the water and dirt reservoirs and cleaning the mop roller. […] No matter how well I vacuumed, I never felt like my floors were truly clean. But with this machine, they finally are. After using it yesterday, I immediately called my mom and multiple friends and told them they need this in their homes. It’s that good. I’m absolutely thrilled with this purchase!” — Paige Pierce
“For a sub $200 machine without much technology (exactly what I’d prefer, less change of a break down), it does the job incredibly well. With steam and an effective brush, it scrubs way more dirt and dried up grease than a typical mop and with near zero labor. I’ve used it both on ceramic tile and laminated wood, this unit exceeded my expectations. The only drawback is the small dirty water reservoir, but then that’s what makes the mop relatively light weight.” — kroq1067
“I bought this for my new ceramic tile flooring, which I put throughout the entire house. This baby is a game changer! No more stooping and sweating away as I push around my (quite wonderful) o’Cedar mop with the spinning bucket attachment. I reserve the o’Cedar mop system for my engineered wood floors now and it is terrific but requires a lot of elbow grease and back work. This steamer only needs water (distilled only) and a few fresh steamer mop heads and off I go. The steamer practically drives itself and I really don’t feel hot at all pushing it, even though the water gets steaming hot. Water receptacle could be bigger but ahhh, so what? […] My floors are softly glowing now and our feet and socks stay nice and clean! I’m saving on floor washing liquid. This uses NO cleaning products! Big win! Just distilled water and steam. I am delighted with this purchase and I find I am more than happy to steam my floors, whereas I always sort of dread mopping my engineered wood floors, which always ends in a sore, stiff back. This is a terrific cleaning machine. We are delighted with it. Enjoy!” — AmazonianWarrior (This review has been edited for length. Read the full review.)
“I did a lot of research, unbiased reviews,, sales figures etc of the competing brands. It was a tough decision as honest info is hard to come by. My kitchen floor was disgustingly filthy. I had purchased a floor based steamer and although it works well the gyrations and back breaking labor I went through was off-putting enough to not do it again…ever. I learned that I needed a steamer AND scrubber. So I have a Shark vacuum which is terrific so I decided on the Shark steamer scrubber with steam turbo boost. It took me 2 hours, 6 pads (scrubber duty) and remarkably minor labor of washing and changing pads and steering the unit around to get my kitchen floor shining. This unit saved hours of back breaking labor that I once invested with my steamer only. Great price by the way for what it does.” — Aurelio Bianco
“I’ve tried now 4 different floor cleaners, from mop to steam and nothing compares to this!! It’s fantastic. My tile Floors had such dirty grout and I started out trying to clean the grout on my hands and knees, but this little cleaner has done the job for me, I can’t believe it. I’ve started telling all my family and friends about this new friend of mine. Ok so it has a Little reservoir for water and debris, but I don’t care, it’s well worth emptying it instead of wringing out mops or covers (because you were only cleaning dirt with dirt, ugh. I have over 3000 square foot of different types of floor, from tile, to wood, to laminate. It’s makes me feel like cleaning floors everyday, instead of dreading the whole process.” — C. Sutton
The Real Deal: We use deal trackers and commerce experience to sift through “fake” hike-and-drop deals and other deceptive sales tactics. Products will usually be rated at least 4 stars with a minimum 15% discount. (And when there’s an exception, we’ll tell you why.)