Heartbroken mum faces £100k bill to bring toddler home from holiday

The family won't be able to bring the toddler home until they raise over £100,000

The family won’t be able to bring the toddler home until they raise over £100,000 (Image: GoFundMe)

A British family won’t be able to take their 19-month-old daughter back home from until shelling out over £100,000 on medical fees, her heartbroken mother has revealed. Sienna-Rose suffered a brain haemorrhage on a last week, leaving her in need of urgent treatment – something her mother, 31-year-old Natasha Sargeant, assumed would be covered by their medical insurance.

Ms Sargeant said that an unrelated, undisclosed hospital stay meant the insurance wouldn’t – which, taken alongside the cost of an air ambulance back to , would total over £100,000. “The surgeon came back to me and said, ‘We need to operate now. Her brain has swelled double in size and she’s got a lot of fluids on there’,” the mum-of-three told ITV. “So, the question in my head was, ‘Is she going to die?’ They said, ‘She won’t die from the procedure, but if you don’t do this operation, she is going to die’.”


Over £50,000 has already been raised in an online fundraiser

Over £50,000 has already been raised in an online fundraiser (Image: GoFundMe)

The 19-month-old is now recovering from the surgery in a hospital in Cancun, and the family have had a huge outpouring of support on social media, including over £50,000 raised by an online fundraiser.

“These people don’t know us,” Natasha said tearfully. “For them to support us as much as what they are is absolutely amazing.”

For now, the family have been left in limbo as they continue to try raising the necessary funds to bring their baby home, and reel from the “horrific” experience.

Sienna-Rose had been playing around with her two brothers in the Cancun resort where the family was staying when she collapsed and was rushed to hospital, her mum said.

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Sienna-Rose was playing with her brothers when she collapsed

Sienna-Rose was playing with her brothers when she collapsed (Image: GoFundMe)

The toddler had “dropped to the floor like she was having a seizure,” Natasha added, before “constantly vomiting”.

Initial attempts to get a brain scan at two Mexican hospitals failed due to high costs and a broken CT machine, and by the time Sienna-Rose was finally given a diagnosis at a third spot, she had “vomited about 50 times”.

“I don’t have any words to describe what we have been throug,” the 31-year-old told the Liverpool Echo.

“She is the most happy, lovely little baby. To see her like this is absolutely horrendous. I would never wish what we are going through on anyone.”

To support the family’s efforts

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