Bobby Davro doubles down on joke that got him ‘cancelled’

Bobby Davro has opened up about the one occassion he was “cancelled” in his long career explaining a joke was taken the wrong way by an audience member.

Speaking exclusively to the comedy legend recalled the incident explaining: “I got cancelled once in my career, and a lady took offence to [a joke]. She completely misread the joke.

“I do a joke I say to [to a woman] ‘I won’t actually ask you how old you are. It’s so rude isn’t it to ask a lady her age? So how much do you weigh?'” he said.

“It’s the joke that gets a laugh because it’s not anything to do with weigh. It is to do with replacing an offensive or perceived offensive question.

“How old are you? You should never ask your lady how old she is and it could be considered quote sexist and it’s cancelled itself by another question, how much do you weigh?


Bobby Davro says he has only been cancelled once in his career and it was a misunderstanding (Image: ITV)

“And it’s not about weight,” he insisted. “And the lady got upset. She was upset but her weight had nothing to do with that [joke],” he said.

After decades in the business Bobby is realistic about the fact that not everybody will like your work but he says that doesn’t mean it is bad, rather it is just not to someone’s taste.

“When people say someone’s rubbish it doesn’t mean they’re rubbish. It means that they’re not for you. It’s just not your taste. And I’m not everybody’s taste nor is any other entertainer or comedian – it just depends what you like personally.”

He also disagrees with the trend for “cancelling” people or issuing “trigger warnings” over work they created decades ago when tastes were different.


Close up of Bobby Davro smiling in a candid shot at an event

Bobby Davro is heading back on tour for the first time in a decade (Image: Getty)

“You can’t look at it through a modern eye. I mean, we cut people’s heads off in the 15th century. We don’t, we don’t do those kinds of things anymore. Things change. Fashions change. But to cancel someone for something that they did in the past is crazy,” he said.

Bobby is currently revisiting hs material as he prepares to go back out on tour for the first time in a decade and the title of the show ‘Everything Is Funny If You Can Laugh At It’ reflects this attitude. He is doing dates through from March 7 to September 27 and admitted he was looking forward to connecting with audiences again

“What do they say? If you enjoy the job you’ll never work a day. I love it. The business I don’t particularly care for too much. But I love the work,” he said.

Bobby Davro’s Everything Is Funny If You Can Laugh At It tour will take in theatres across the UK until September 27.



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