was left slightly red-faced during Friday’s show. After speaking to a correspondent live in Australia, who was detailing the dangerous winds and severe flooding, they handed over to Sarah Keith-Lucas to see what was in store for the UK.
Naga told viewers: “Thankfully, nothing quite as traumatic here.” Noticing the sunny image behind Sarah, which featured silhouettes of palm trees, Naga was blown away as she said: “Wow! What a contrast, Sarah.”
She asked if the snap was from Thursday, highlighting how the weather isn’t the best where their studio is. The weather star said: “It’s not this morning in Salford, but it is this morning. It looks like this in some parts of the country.”
Naga was gobsmacked as she replied: “Really?! We have palm trees here?!” Sarah confirmed we do, as she told the host the image was taken in Essex.
However, after Sarah wrapped up her forecast, Naga was quick to apologise.
The weather presenter Sarah had an image of palm trees during her broadcast (Image: BBC)
Naga said: ” I apologise if you heard some sniggering during your forecast. Someone (Charlie) was laughing at me for not knowing that we have numerous, thousands, of palm trees here in the UK. I didn’t know!”
Sarah replied: “Yeah there we go, you have to go and visit some palm tree places I think.”
The star thanked Sarah as she told her she’d be visiting places in the UK with exotic-looking trees to educate herself.
took the chance to poke fun at Naga before moving on, telling viewers: “If you’ve seen a palm tree, send us a picture. Extraordinary, extraordinary thing.”
Charlie was quick to joke with Naga about realising the UK has palm trees (Image: BBC)
Naga agreed, telling people watching to send in their snaps before looking at Charlie grinning, realising he was poking fun at her.
As she glared at him, Charlie chucked as he swiftly moved on to their next topic. However, Naga’s comment didn’t go unnoticed by viewers at home.
One person commented: “We have palm trees in the garden naga [sic]” Another added images with their tweet, sharing: “Palm trees in the north west Scotland village of Plockton taken on 19 January in 9 degree sunshine.”
Breakfast is available to watch on iPlayer.