The Edmonton Events List: SOUND OFF: A Deaf Theatre Festival shares beautiful stories and improv

Meant for all audiences — this means you! — Sound Off: A Deaf Theatre Festival is back with five plays, six workshops and an improv collaboration with Rapid Fire Theatre, running through Sunday.

100 Decibels: Tone Deaf is a three-person physical mime show premiering at 9 p.m. Thursday at Backstage Theatre, where all the performances happen, PS.

I Know You Are But What Am I? is the creation of reknowned Montreal deaf dancer and choreographer Cai Glover in this impressionistic piece first happening 7 p.m. Thursday.

Kelsi James’ All We Can Do Is Trust is the story of two asexual life partners teaching the audience about ace love — 2 p.m. Saturday and 6 p.m.  Sunday.

For fans of the classics, Stheno’s Broken Curse is the story of a misunderstood monster dealing with the loss of her baby sister, Medusa. Next show 6:30 p.m. Friday.

Finally, 11 p.m. Saturday, neither signs nor speech are permitted in this team-up between deaf and hearing improv actors!

Most shows are presented in American Sign Language, while the fest’s Zoom events will have integrated captions and ASL interpretation.

For more shows on the sked — including four digital completely separate performances — and information about the play readings, workshops, panel discussions and more, please head to

All paid events are pay what you can, but you do have to book ahead at the website above.

Come witness and be a part of this meaningful collision of worlds!









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