Car mechanic has warned how a £25 part can fix cars (Image: Getty)
Former presenter Edd China has explained how drivers can “transform” their used car handling for under £25.
The star of the restoration series revealed the tip when restoring an iconic BMW 635 CSi for the show.
After getting behind the wheel, Edd admitted something was “not quite there” in a major blow.
He stressed the car’s handling should be tight and precise and quickly pushed the car onto his ramp to take a look underneath.
However, the expert mechanic quickly identified the drop link to the anti-roll bar. He said the rubber underneath had perished with a lot of movement on the part.
Replacing drop links can improve handling (Image: Discovery)
With the help of penetrating fluid, Edd quickly unscrewed the component and managed to get a closer inspection.
He said: “These are the drop links. I’ve taken off the car, you can see they’re all dirty. If I get the replacements out of the bag, obviously very shiny.
“But also if you compare it with this one you can see the hole here in the rubber of the new one is actually very small compared to the one I’ve just taken off.
“The reason for this is this one is stretched and worn whereas this is tight and ready to go back onto the car.
“Because the rubbers are a tight fit, the new rear drop links are hard to wrestle into place.
“You need more penetrating fluid and a bit of muscle. It’s a fix well worth doing. The parts cost £22 but the handling is transformed.”
Like any component, drop links can wear out over time which causes major problems for motorists.
Its impact on car handling means road users are increasing their risk of safety concerns while behind the wheel.
Warning signs for drop link problems include worn drop links include rattling, or knocking sounds from underneath the vehicle.
Motorists may also notice their car develops loose steering which can be difficult to live with.
Experts at previously explained: “adjustable drop links that are uprated are not just for show.
“They enable you to set the length of the link to ensure the load is carried correctly, and set the length of the link to ensure there is no preload.
“In short they are an essential part of anti-roll bar performance and worth seeking out where adjustable, uprated versions are available.”