Jeremy Clarkson says BBC is ‘blinded by bias’ in scathing takedown

has hit out once more at the , a decade after being dropped by for punching a producer.

The star, 64, has accused the network of being “blinded by bias” after the decision to pull its controversial documentary from air. Titled Gaza: How to Survive a Warzone, it emerged one of the key contributors of the film was the son of a senior official.

Now Clarkson has spoken out, revealing that when he first watched it, he realised “something’s off here.”

He suggested the was “duped” into producing “propaganda” for Hamas, while considering the broadcaster may have been “blinded by ‘river to the sea’ pro- bias”.

Clarkson identified “telltale signs that something is not real” with the film, noting the “awfully clean and well-fed” 14-year-old Abdullah Al-Yazouri, the main component of the film, who is the son of Amman Al-Yazouri – Hamas’ deputy agriculture minister.

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Jeremy Clarkson blasted the BBC’s ‘bias’ (Image: Getty)

He went on to highlight children “pretending” to carry stretchers, and the “handily discarded teddy bears” littering the streets.

But the has apologised for the documentary, stating it had “identified serious flaws in the making of this programme”.

The statement went on: “Some of these were made by the production company and some by the ; all of them are unacceptable.


The BBC produced a Gaza documentary which was quickly pulled (Image: Getty)

” News takes full responsibility for these and the impact that these have had on the corporation’s reputation. We apologise for this…

“While the intent of the documentary was aligned with our purpose – to tell the story of what is happening around the world, even in the most difficult and dangerous places – the processes and execution of this programme fell short of our expectations.

“Although the programme was made by an independent production company, who were commissioned to deliver a fully compliant documentary, the has ultimate editorial responsibility for this programme as broadcast.”

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