‘I’m a travel expert and these are 7 foods to ban before flying’

Having smaller meals is better for flying (Image: Getty Images)

If you’re planning on taking a an expert has warned against eating certain foods beforehand.

Travel experts at Wild Packs are warning holiday-goers that consuming popular items like beef, curries and alcohol can cause discomfort, bloating and dehydration while flying.

Gastroenterologists – doctors who specialise in the digestive system – have explained that changes in cabin pressure and oxygen levels can inhibit the digestion of food, contributing to feeling bloated, gassy or nauseous. 

Additionally, the low humidity in can further increase dehydration and digestive issues.

Jamie Fraser, Travel Expert at US summer camp said: “The changes in cabin pressure, combined with reduced oxygen levels, the motion of the plane can inhibit the stomach from emptying, slowing down digestion. 


A woman at an airport watching planes fly

It’s important to stay hydrated while in the air (Image: Getty Images)

“Essentially, this means food takes longer to pass into the small intestine, which can lead to bloating, trapped wind, and nausea. But it is important to be aware of what meals to avoid so that you can stay comfortable on your flight.”

One of the worst foods you can eat is fried food such as chips or fried chicken. This can cause digestion issues and the high fat content can trigger heartburn and saltiness can lead to fluid retention.

Another food you shouldn’t eat before a is red meat.

Jamie said: “Steaks, burgers and other red meat takes longer to digest, which can leave you feeling heavy and uncomfortable. 

“Instead, choose white meat like chicken or fish is a better option to keep your stomach settled during the journey.”

A man on a plane

You should ensure to move as often as you can while in the air (Image: Getty Images)


But it’s not only foods you should bear in mind – experts say drinking coffee isn’t a good idea before jetting off too.

Flying dehydrates your body and caffeine can make this issue worse, you may even end up with a headache, nausea or fatigue.

Many also enjoy an alcoholic beverage while on the plane but it won’t come as a surprise that this can also increase dehydration.

Jamie said: “Alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream faster at altitude, which means you may feel its effects more strongly than you would on the ground. 

“This, combined with lower oxygen levels, can put extra strain on your heart and lungs, causing dizziness, breathlessness, or even chest discomfort.”

Instead, you should aim to eat smaller meals to keep your digestion steady and minimise bloating.

Having snacks throughout your can help to reduce bloating and consuming food with natural probiotics such as yoghurt and kimchi will help to support gut health.

You should aim to drink plenty of water during your flight and make sure to keep regular movement where possible.

A full list of the seven foods you should not eat before flying includes:

1. Fried food

2. Red meat

3. Beans

4. Alcohol

5. Apples

6. Alcohol

7. Broccoli

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