Alert issued on how many minutes you can overstay in a car park before being fined

Motorists can now benefit from a 10-minute grace period (Image: Getty)

Motorists are now allowed to overstay in a and not face fines under a introduced last year. 

should be applied by private firms allowing road users to overstay their welcome and not face fees. 

Under previous rules, it was down to the parking firm’s discretion whether motorists would receive penalties for

However, the ‘grace period’ rule in the Private Parking Code of Practice has cemented the guideline, allowing road users extra flexibility. 

It could help road users  of pounds in penalties for letting a ticket run a little bit over.


parking ticket

Motorists can no longer be fined for being a couple of minutes late (Image: Getty)

was introduced by the and the was announced last summer

: “A grace period is relevant where there is a time limit on the permitted period of parking for example 2 hours free parking or parking is paid for 1 hour etc. It is not relevant when there is no limit on the period of parking.”

Greg Wilson, CEO and car insurance expert at said the move was an “important” step forward to protect motorists from being hit with fees. 

He said: ”We welcome the changes to the Private Parking Code of Justice, as it gives motorists a chance to appeal or reduce fines if they were caught out in situations which are sometimes out of their control.”


“The ten-minute grace period is an especially important and positive step forwards, making any penalty charges illegal if issued before the grace period ends.”

said the new rules would allow road users not to be caught out by an unexpected issue which arises on the way back to their vehicle.

They said: “Picture the scene: a driver is rushing back to the car park with shopping bags in hand and kids in tow, and they’re struggling to find their car in a sea of similar-looking vehicles. 

“Thanks to the grace period, they’re afforded extra time to exit the car park without fear of receiving a parking charge for overstaying the paid for or maximum stay time by just a few minutes.”

However, the Code makes clear that motorists will not be handed a grace period everywhere they go. 

Decision-makers stress that the policy is in “addition” to the parking session, meaning road users cannot get up to 10 minutes of free parking without paying. 

Meanwhile, the guidelines are not applicable to “short-stay areas” of up to half an hour.

The Code states: “The grace period does not apply to short stay areas – controlled land where the parking of a vehicle is permissible for a limited period not greater than 30 minutes, for example at airport and railway station drop off and pick up zones.”

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