Jimmy Kimmel on Thursday mocked the MAGA faithful for their disappointment after the long-awaited release of government documents on late sex offender Jeffrey Epstein turned out to be a bust.
“They released binders full of information everyone already had,” Kimmel said. “Everything these people do is screwed up.”
One MAGA influencer tried to explain it away by claiming that “deep-state agents are trying to hide” the documents.
“That’s right, the deep-state agents are trying to hide it,” Kimmel mockingly agreed. “First, the deep-state agents need to go through the documents to make sure they dot every ‘i’ and cross out every ‘DJT’ and then they can release the documents.”
That led Kimmel to what may be the real reason the Trump administration hasn’t released all the documents.
“The fact that these looney tunes keep conveniently forgetting that Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein were good friends is unbelievable,” Kimmel said, then cited a New York Magazine profile of Epstein from 2002 where Trump called him “terrific guy” and “a lot of fun to be with.”
Kimmel also had more receipts about Trump’s relationship with Epstein in his Thursday night monologue: