Conversations That Matter: Targeting colorectal cancer

Cancer is tough to treat and cases are increasing

“This used to be considered an older person’s affliction” says Thomas O’Shaughnessy, the CEO of Onco Innovations, a Calgary based cancer research company. “Not anymore.”

’Shaughnessy says, “Men under 50 are being diagnosed with colorectal cancer in increasing numbers and unfortunately more younger people are dying from the disease.”

One of the reasons why colorectal cancer is deadly is the challenge it poses for treatment, “radiation and chemotherapy are supposed to destroy cancer cells. In colorectal cancer, they aren’t as effective.”

Onco Innovations has developed a treatment that targets solid cancer cells only. The goal is to destroy only the cancer cells’ ability to replicate.

“Our treatment is targeted and it aids and enhances the ability of other treatments to destroy and prevent the spread of the cancer,” says O’Shaughnessy.

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