3 common interior design mistakes to avoid – including big curtain error

Happy woman moving house and unrolling a carpet while unpacking

An interior designer has urged people to avoid three common design mistakes (stock image) (Image: Getty)

London based architect and designer Dara Huang has shared three common mistakes people do when or their homes.

Deciding to redesign your can be a big decision. Whether it’s renovating your kitchen or re-doing your living room, it can be difficult to decide on the right style and decorations for the space.

To help, architect Dara Huang from London has shared what she believes is the three most common mistakes people make when designing their homes, and what things you should consider doing instead.

“3 common design mistakes,” she said at the beginning of the video, where she’s seen lounging in a chair, before getting into her list.

Check out her tips below to avoid those pesky interior design mistakes.


3 common design mistakes


1. Using polished stone

In recent years, shiny and polished stones, such as marble, granite and limestone, has become popular material to decorate your home with. However, Dara isn’t a fan of this.

“Instead of polished stone, why don’t you try a nice honed material,” she said.

Honed stone is a smooth, flat, and matte surface that’s been created by grinding the natural stone with abrasive materials.

2. Using shiny woods

Dara also explained her dislike for shiny wood, urging people to opt for other materials and to only use a limited amount shiny woods in your home.

“Instead of having shiny wood all over the place, which makes it look like you live in a yacht, choose some select areas for either doorways or objects and it just looks a lot more elegant,” Dara said.

3. Having curtains that are too short

While shorter curtains that just cover the windows are common around the country, Dara said it makes the homes look less elegant.

And lastly, don’t have your curtains too short.It looks far more elegant when you let them bustle on the bottom,” she said.

People were quick to otake to the comments to share their own thoughts on Dara’s advice, with many agreeing with her thoughts.

“Polished wood is only nice when used strategically, otherwise it’s super tacky indeed,” one person said, while a second user said: “I love this!”

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