Peace lilies will not wilt or develop brown tips if you make 1 simple change to their care

Picture of peace lily with discoloured leaves

If your peace lily is drooping or has discoloured leaves then it is likely easy to fix (Image: Getty)

are dramatic that tend to droop at the first sign of a problem, so do not worry if your plant is not looking as healthy as it should be because it can easily be fixed. 

If your peace lily leaves have suddenly turned brown or the plant is not standing upright then you may have it sitting in the wrong place in your home. 

Shana Delaney, a houseplant expert from Old Boys Flowers, has shared that peace lilies can begin to wilt if they have been left in extreme temperatures for too long. 

She said: “Too hot or too cold [temperatures] will affect your poor peace lily; if it’s too hot try putting the air conditioning on, and if it’s too cold [turn on] the heater, keeping it far enough away from any air vents to prevent the plant from drying out.” 

In the winter it is very common for peace lilies to wilt if they are near windows as the temperature is far too cold for them to stay healthy, and if you have a radiator near them it can dry them out. 


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Picture of peace lily in indirect light

Peace lilies will do best when kept off windowstills and in indirect light (Image: Getty)

Peace lilies should not be kept on windowsills at all as they prefer indirect light as too much sunlight can scorch their leaves once the weather gets warmer.

Shana said: “I keep my peace lilies in a sun room which is great for the winter months but, come summer, it’s a little bit too much sun for them. 

“Easiest way to fix this is to simply change the location of the plant to somewhere where the sun may not be as extreme.” 

Keep peace lilies far away from a window so they are not pressed up against it but close enough that they will get some light to keep the plant healthy. 

If you have moved the plant and the leaves are still discoloured then your peace lily is then likely suffering from moisture stress through overwatering or underwatering.

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Picture of someone watering peace lily

A peace lily being underwatered or overwatered tends to be the most common issue if they are drooping (Image: Getty)

To tell if your peace lily is being overwatered, simply take it out of the pot and see if there is any water collected at the bottom, as sitting water can damage the plant roots so you may need to change the pot. 

Shana said: “If you’re having trouble maintaining the right moisture level, consider repotting into a smaller container, if yours is too big, or repotting in soil with added perlite, this helps with the drainage of the soil below and will hopefully improve the life of your plant.” 

However, if the plant is being underwatered you will be able to tell easily as the leaves will be crispy and brown plus the top layer of soil will be dry. 

The best way to keep a peace lily hydrated is to feel the soil every few days, and if it is not damp then it needs to be watered. You can also buy a moisture meter to put in the pot which will check the soil moisture levels for you. 

Shanan said: “Deprived of the moisture it needs, the plant will become stressed, which can cause dry, crisp leaf tips. If you see drooping or wilting along with the browning tips, you can be confident that too little moisture is the problem.”

If you take the time to make sure you are watering your peace lily correctly and have it in the ideal spot in your home then it should spring back healthy and vibrant in no time. 

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