Why Keir Starmer will always choose to sell his own country down the swanee

Keir Starmer

Keir Starmer will always sell this country down the swanee (Image: PA)

On his knees appears to be ’s default position. Whether negotiating away the Chagos Islands – and a huge pile of money along with it – agreeing a ludicrous, poverty inducing 81% cut in carbon emissions by 2035 at Cop29, or quite literally when he and took the knee to support the highly political, US-defund-the-police campaign, BLM, it seems Starmer’s natural instinct is to simply capitulate even if it means selling his own country down the swanee.

So, no wonder the Prime Minister of Barbados, Mia Mottley, is hot-footing it over to the UK at breakneck speed to demand her reparations deal.

Rebuffed for years by the former Conservative government, Mottley has seen her opportunity, and along with her Caribbean community colleagues (Caricom), they are about to demandtrillions of pounds – £18trn to be precise – in reparations.

While all sane Brits would tell her to stick her reparations up St Nicholas Abbey, how confident are you that Starmer wouldn’t agree to something as preposterous as this? Given his track record of backsliding and kowtowing, I certainly wouldn’t rule out Starmer signing off billions or even trillions of taxpayers’ money in reparation payments.

Let’s not forget that he appointed as his Foreign Secretary, who said as recently as 2020 that there was a need for a “reckoning” with Britain’s colonial past, and a process of “repairing”.

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Extraordinarily, he said “As Caribbeanpeople we are not going to forget our history. We don’t just want to hear an apology – we want reparations”.

This is the man Starmer appointed to stand up for the UK’s interests around the world!

He also appointed Lord Hermer as his Attorney General. This is who it is said helped human rights lawyers prepare a legal case for slavery reparations a decade ago.

If all that is not bad enough, the man who oversaw the report putting the amount “owed” by the UK at £18trillion is none other than International Court of Justice judge, Patrick Robinson.

Remember the Chagos Islands decision was only a “non-binding advisory opinion” by the International Court of Justice, but Starmerfollowed it anyway.

I don’t know if it’s because his instincts are those of a human rights lawyer rather than being PM of our country that sees him put demands of foreign countries above those of his own.

Maybe it’s his deep socialist loathing of our history and heritage. Whatever thereasons, he shouldn’t be anywhere near these talks.


RMT members on strike

RMT members are pictured on strike (Image: PA)

A friend from the US came up to Cheshire from to visit over the weekend, and his trip was rather spoiled by the RMT union being on strike on Sunday – indeed they are on strike on Avanti West Coast trains every Sunday from January 12 until May 25!

What a selfish bunch.

My US friend – unable to book a return train ticket during the week – was left with the huge cost of having to order a car to drive him from Cheshire to London.

These pampered RMT members are going on strike because they know that this government is weak and will cave in to them at some point. If it were down to me I would sack the lot of them and start again.


Here today, Gwynne tomorrow. Labour Minister Andrew Gwynne was rightly sacked after his horrendous WhatsApp messages were leaked.

We always guessed Labour’s cruel, illogical and unnecessary removal of the Winter Fuel Payments from 10 million pensioners was because of a contempt for pensioners and Gwynne’s messages confirmed just that.

It seems he wasn’t alone among Labour MPs in holding such abhorrent views. This story has further to run. My money is on more sackings to follow.


Nigel Farage

Nigel Farage is rumoured to be teaming up with Boris Johnson (Image: PA)

Recent reports that is thinking of teaming up with seem wide of the mark to me.

Neither of them strike me as the types who would relish playing second fiddle to the other and an alliance of such big personalities would almost certainly be doomed to fail.

Given that Boris, right, showed when Prime Minister (and Mayor of London) that he is an old-fashioned big state, tax and spend politician, who is pro-immigration, he would be a strange choice for Farage to want to partner with – if indeed he wants to partner with anyone.

I am all for the Conservative Party and Reform getting together to rid the country of this disastrous socialist government, but I can’t imagine a Farage/Johnson alliance ever happening.


What was Meghan’s face grabbing kiss all about? Was it an unsubtle way to tell the world “he’s with me so stay away” or “look at us – despite everything, we’re so happy”?

Or was it just a desperate audition for a new relationship show or a new job? Whatever the motive, shealways makes it very difficult to warm to her.


You won’t find me saying this very often but… I agree with ! She is alleged to have said “ couldn’t run a bath”.

I found myself nodding along to the comment when Laura Kuenssberg put Rayner on the spot and asked did she indeed say that about her boss.

Grinning, Rayner didn’t deny it, but just said she didn’t recognise those words. Everyone knows that is political speak for acknowledging it was said. It seems there is trouble in paradise at the top of the government.

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