Revive drooping peace lilies in a matter of hours by doing one task

Wilting peace lily (Spathiphyllum) in a pot

The simple trick can help to give your wilting peace lily a new lease of life (Image: Getty)

If you’re keen to inject some greenery into your home in the form of , then are a very popular choice – and for good reason. 

These beautiful with their distinctive shiny green leaves and white flowers aren’t very difficult to look after, and they don’t need too much watering. 

They also act as a natural air purifier, so they’re ideal for keeping in your bedroom to promote better . 

However, one common problem is that the leaves can start to wilt and droop pretty quickly without the proper care – and watering them may not be enough to fix it. 

However, one plant pro on social media says there’s a simple task you can do that’ll give your peace lily a new lease of life in just a couple of hours. 

Peace lily

Peace lilies are a very popular choice of plant (Image: Getty)

TikToker showed off a clip of her peace lily plant which had definitely seen better days. Its leaves were drooping, but reassuring people in the caption, she said: “Is your peace lily just as dramatic as mine? 

“Don’t be afraid if your plants start getting droopy. There is a fix! Most of the time it’s just an inconsistnecy with watering.”

She suggesting taking the time to re-pot your peace lily if it’s looking a bit worse for wear, showing her followers exactly how to do it. 

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How to re-pot your peace lily

First of all, you’ll want to take your plant and dust off all of the leaves before placing it in your shower and giving it a quick rinse with water, making sure the soil and leaves are completely soaked through. 

Then, take a new pot that’s a little bigger than the one it was previously in. The expert said: “Make sure that all of the pots you use have holes at the bottom so that the water can just run all the way through.”

Carefully remove the peace lily and soil from the original pot before setting it aside while you add a few handfuls of soil to your new pot. 

Is your Peace Lily just as dramatic as mine? They can be so bratty but honestly its so fun to see such a drastic transformation in a matter of hours. Dont be afraid if your plants start getting droopy. THERE IS A FIX! Most of the time its just an inconsistency with watering. Here are some key tips to help you avoid getting droopy leaves: – Make sure you SOAK the soil not just water the top of the soil (thats the point of drainage holes!) – Do NOT water your plants everyday – ONLY water them when the soil is dry to touch (typically every 5-7 days depending on how much light they get) – Dust their leaves often! This is how they photosynthesize! – Get a humidifier or mist their leaves daily Hopefully this helps you if you are struggling with dramatic plant babies!

Then lift the plant again and put it in its new home, adding some extra soil so that there’s enough in there to fill up the pot. She admitted: “There’s not really a pretty or clean way to do this, I kind of just do it on my floor and in my tub of soil and make a giant mess. 

“But then I can just clean up afterwards and it’s not a big deal.”

Then, once your plant has been repotted, all you need to do is sit it in a sunny and bright spot for a couple of hours. The transformation was clear to see, with the peace lily completely lifting its leaves and looking bright and open once again. 

The pro also recommended dusting the leaves every day to keep them thriving, as the plants photosynthesise through their leaves. 

It’s also important that you don’t water them every day – instead, only do it when the soil is dry to the touch, which may be around every five to seven days. 

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