Gardeners urged to do one job in February or risk dead grass in summer

A garden with green grass

To ensure your grass is looking healthy and green for summer, you can begin work now (Image: Getty Images)

This month is the perfect time to work on your so it looks healthy and green by summer.

Spring is just around the corner so there’s no time like the present to get your ready for its best months.

February is the ideal month to start planning, prepping, and planting for the season ahead. 

Whether you’re new to or have years of experience, this simple tip can help you ensure your grass will be looking its best this year.

You should begin to prepare your beds and for the months ahead. 

A person watering grass

February is the ideal time to start prepping your garden for the warmer months (Image: Getty Images)


To do this, start by breaking up compacted soil in new or existing planting areas using a fork or a rake, and remove any perennial weeds and their roots.

Work in compost to enrich the soil, then rake the surface level. Allow the soil to settle for a few days before planting to avoid future compaction.

You should also ensure to clear fallen leaves, twigs, and other debris from your lawn to improve air circulation and reduce the risk of fungal diseases. 

According to , grass grows whenever temperatures rise above 7°C. 

With days lengthening and temperatures rising, early spring is the perfect time to begin a plan to save your .

The best results come from a ‘little and often’ approach and in just a couple of months your grass could be totally transformed.


Make sure you don’t mow your grass when it is frosty as this could cause damage (Image: Getty Images)


For lawns where growth has resumed due to mild weather, mow using a high blade setting. 

Avoid mowing when frost is forecast, as this can damage the grass, says .

Use a half-moon edger to redefine borders between your lawn and flowerbeds, creating sharp, professional lines. 

These simple tips can help you ensure your after the winter and by doing this now, you’ll minimise any work you may need to do later down the line.

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