Martin Lewis has warned how drivers can secure ‘free’ car tax (Image: ITV)
has revealed a little-known trick that could help road users secure a year’s worth of “free” , avoiding hefty rises coming into effect from the spring.
owners are set to pay for the first time within weeks
As well as hefty price rises for petrol and diesel owners, discounts will end for electric cars and hybrid models.
Electric vehicles built after 2017 of £195 to legally use the roads,
Motorists with the keys to models valued over reserved for high value cars.
Electric cars will be liable for VED rates from April (Image: Getty)
In his weekly Martin wrote: “Drive an electric vehicle? Trick to get another year tax-free.
“From 1 April, electric vehicle (EV) owners will need to pay car tax, typically £195/yr. We’ve a trick to delay this by up to one year.”
The finance guru warned electric car owners could take advantage of the deal by being quick thinking and re-taxing their vehicles in March.
By renewing a road tax policy earlier, drivers can effectively reset the clock on their 12 month policy ahead of the new rules changes.
This means road users who were due to face new VED charges from April 2025 will not need to pay a penny until March 2026.
Motorists can tax their vehicles online in seconds meaning just a quick update could help save drivers hundreds of pounds in 2025.
He said: “Get FREE tax for an extra year on your EV.
“If your EV was first registered on or after 1 April 2017, make sure you re-tax it in March 2025 (it can be anytime BEFORE 1 April 2025, but to maximise the savings you should do it in March).
“Doing this means you’ll push back the deadline for paying tax on your EV to when it’s next due for renewal in March 2026 (assuming you renew in March 2025).
“It doesn’t matter what month your EV expires, you can re-tax it anytime using your car’s registration number and the reference number on your V5C Registration certificate (logbook) printed in your name.
“The Government website will ask ‘Are you sure?’ to which you just click to accept.”
previously admitted the move will bring electric and hybrid cars back into line with their combustion fuel equivalents.
They said the move is designed to ensure drivers “pay a fairer tax contribution” to use the roads.