Fuel prices rise with petrol and diesel owners paying this much more

petrol station

Petrol and diesel prices have risen for the fourth successive month (Image: Getty)

and fuel prices have  with to top up their vehicles. 

Analysis from stressed found unleaded petrol has jumped by 2p per litre in January. 

at 139p per litre, up from 136.9p per litre since the start of 2025. 

The latest increase means that unleaded petrol is up to 5p a litre more expensive than prices at the start of October. 

It means filling up a 55-litre family petrol car is around £2 more expensive than just four months ago with total costs at £76.44, compared to £74.25

fuel petrol

Unleaded fuel and diesel are up a few pence per litre (Image: Getty)

Meanwhile, diesel fees have jumped by almost 3p with figures increasing from 142.9 to 145.7p. 

Analysis from stressed that diesel fuel prices have increased by up to 6p per litre since last Autumn.

It means the cost to fill a 55-litre family car is well over £3 more expensive with charges at £80.15 a tank, compared to £76.70.

RAC head of policy Simon Williams stressed that total costs depended on “global oil supply and demand”. 

However, he said it was important that “prices drop back down again” sooner rather than later. 


Simon said: “It’s not been a good start to 2025 for drivers at the pumps with prices going up for the fourth month in a row. Sadly, filling up is now nearly £3 more expensive than it was at the start of October.

“We hope this trend won’t continue and that prices drop back down again. Much, of course, depends on global oil supply and demand.

“While the price of oil can be notoriously volatile, there’s reason to think forecourt fuel prices may get cheaper in the coming months as some analysts are predicting an average oil price nearer to $70 this year.”

The experts have out the price rises down to a mid-month spike in oil prices with the cost of oil barrels above $80 for several days.

A weakening in the value of the pound which pushed up wholesale fuel costs is also part of the reason fees have risen.

However, the RAC admits that “there’s reason to think forecourt fuel prices may get cheaper in the coming months” with average oil costs likely to fall this year.

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