Keep magpies and pigeons out of your garden with 1 junk item that scares them

Picture of bird in a garden

Birds such as magpies and pigeons dig up seeds in gardens at this time of year (Image: Getty)

As the weather begins to get warmer and lighter, many gardeners will be outside planting new flowers and crops, which means it is important to watch out for birds.

Birds such as magpies and love freshly planted seeds to eat but can also destroy by digging through the soil for insects and leaving their droppings everywhere. 

Marc, a and founder of , has shared that the best way to stop birds from being a is to hang up a shiny object such as a CD or DVD. 

He said: “In the past, I have had problems with all kinds of animals eating the garden. Last year, my ultimate garden nemesis was the Blue Jay! 

“Blue Jays ate all of our corn seedlings and then started on our apples. I was able to scare them away from the apple trees with shiny silver CDs.


Picture of discs hanging up in garden

A simple way to keep birds away is to hang up CDs in your garden (Image: Getty)

“CDs are the modern-day equivalent to pie pans. My Grandpa used to save tin or aluminium pie plates all year long to use as scarecrows. Today, it is easier to get shiny CDs or DVDs.” 

It may seem strange, but CDs and DVDs reflect light to produce sudden bright flashes, and the sudden movements will make birds believe danger, such as a predator, is nearby. 

Discs will swing in the wind, and the movement, combined with the flashes, will make the object seem alive, and birds will believe it is a threat. 

You can use CDs and DVDs to naturally chase away birds by threading the string through the centre hole, tying it with a knot and then hanging it where the birds are most active. 

Picture of CDs hanging in vegetable patch

Hang discs in areas birds are likely to be attracted to (Image: Getty)

Hanging them in a sunny spot at different heights is the most effective way to keep birds out of your garden. 

If you do not have any old discs lying around, then save the tin foil dish the next time you buy a steak pie, and it will work just as well. 

It should be noted that birds are clever creatures and can eventually figure out that the shiny object is not a threat, so it is best to move the discs about every few weeks. 

The best way to deter birds naturally is to combine other deterrents together to scare them away such as using scarecrows, pinwheels, , and some people

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