Some four-legged friends are less likely to leave hair around the home (Image: Getty Images)
Welcoming a into your home is like gaining a new member of the family, with their unconditional love and endless companionship.
Sometimes, however, it can also feel like a furry monster has descended making their presence felt in every area of the
Fur shedding can be an absolute deal breaker for some people or those who suffer from , but an overload of dog dander needn’t be a reason to give up on your doggy dreams.
While all dogs to shed at least a little, there are certain breeds that are low-shedding enopugh to be considered more hypoallergenic.
A hair-free home creates a fresher environment, reducing the risk of pet hair accumulating in carpets, , clothing and even your
Famous for their stylish looks, poodles are eager and intelligent (Image: Getty Images)
If you can’t wait to welcome a four-legged friend into your life, but are worried about a build up of hair, these are the top five UK breeds that will show you love in a less hairy way.
Choosing one of these breeds can help maintain a tidier home environment, but it’s important to remember that regular grooming and care are essential to manage their coats effectively.
1. Poodle
Poodles have a unique curly coat that traps loose hair instead of letting it fall out, which significantly reduces shedding.
According to the they have hair rather than fur, which grows continuously and sheds minimally, much like human hair.
This means that with regular grooming and brushing to prevent matting, their coat stays healthy and tidy, making them an excellent choice for those looking for a low-shedding dog.
2. Bichon Frise
The Bichon Frise is a small, cheerful dog with a plush, curly coat that doesn’t shed much, making them a great choice for those wanting a cleaner home.
Their hair grows continuously and doesn’t fall out easily, which helps reduce allergens and stray hairs on furniture and clothing.
However, regular grooming is essential to prevent matting and keep their coat soft, fluffy and healthy.
The Bichon Frise is a friendly and playful little dog (Image: Getty Images)
Don’t miss…
The Maltese is gentle, affectionate, responsive and trusting (Image: Getty Images)
3. Maltese
According to the American Kennel Club, Maltese are affectionate toy dogs weighing less than seven pounds, covered by a long, straight, silky coat.
Unlike some other breeds, Maltese dogs lack an undercoat, which significantly reduces shedding and makes them a great option for allergy sufferers.
Regular grooming and brushing help prevent tangles and keep their coat looking smooth and elegant without loose hair spreading around the home.
4. Yorkshire Terrier
Yorkshire Terriers don’t shed much because they have a fine, silky coat that grows continuously like human hair.
This type of hair doesn’t fall out easily, which helps keep your home free from loose dog fur.
Like many other low-shedding breeds, regular brushing and grooming are necessary to maintain their coat and prevent tangles.
Yorkshire Terriers are cute and cuddly with a bold hunting instinct (Image: Getty Images)
Portuguese water dogs are loving, intelligent and active (Image: Getty Images)
5. Portuguese Water Dog
These medium-sized pooches don’t shed much because they have a curly, water-resistant coat that grows continuously.
This unique coat type prevents the fur from falling out easily, trapping the hair within the curls instead of allowing it to shed into the environment. Regular grooming is necessary to maintain their coat and prevent matting, but their minimal shedding makes them ideal for those looking to keep a cleaner home.
Energetic and intelligent, the good boi’s need requiring regular exercise and grooming to keep their coat healthy.