If you were to ask me to sit at my desk with my feet flat on the floor for an entire workday, I simply could not. And neither could a lot of people, I would assume. In fact, I’ve quickly learned from TikTok that many sedentary workers love to sit cross-legged despite the common complaint that most office chairs are not created to allow for such positional flexibility.
Many users on the app went nuts over an office chair that featured an extra-wide seat and no arm rests, allowing crossed-legged seating that’s incredibly comfortable. A quick search on Amazon would reveal that the retailer offers several office chair designs like the one on TikTok, as well as different versions that reviewers claim also allow them to sit “criss-cross applesauce.”
We rounded up some of the best reviewed options of work chairs that encourage adaptive sitting in the list ahead. You’ll find standard executive chairs with flippable arm rests, “mediative chairs” that quite literally allow for sitting in every possible way under the sun and a fuzzy clamshell-style chair just like the one seen on TikTok.
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Promising Amazon reviews: “Look, I am short and often sit in desk chairs cross-legged. It’s often difficult to hold that position in an office chair because the seats are not designed for that position. THIS CHAIR allows me to do that, and sit in several different, comfortable positions. Cannot recommend highly enough. It was also super-easy to assemble.” — Lyssa
“This chair has been a lifesaver for my back, hips, and legs. I love being able to sit in so many ways with this chair, as it mixes it up during the day as I sit at my desk on Zoom calls, etc. My back and hips (and bottom) feel so much better at the end of the day. I like being able to sit cross-legged (yoga sit) while working. I can’t say enough about this chair, and I have told all of my friends about it. And when they come over during the day, I make them sit in it. SOLD.” — TQMiami
Promising Amazon review: “I log at least 6 hours in this chair daily because of studying/work for grad school, and it is SOOO COMFY! I’ll admit, I was initially influenced by TikTok reviews on this product, but I genuinely see the appeal and have no regrets on getting it.
The seat is extremely spacious so I’m able to sit criss cross applesauce, with my feet on the chair and both my knees tucked to my chest, and sometimes I like to sit with one leg up on the chair and the other in criss cross applesauce position. All positions are comfy!
I have a pretty bad back so I was scared of sitting on it for long periods, but I’m able to pull all-nighters on it and I feel no pain! Definitely recommend if you’re a student, work from home, or just looking for a comfy, aesthetic chair.” — K
Promising Amazon review: “This chair is so stinking cute. It takes up a good chunk of space, just because it’s pretty wide, but it’s PERFECT for people like me that can’t sit like a normal person in a normal chair. I’m always sitting cross-legged or with one knee propped up, and this chair is perfect for that. It was such a good price, too, and it looks so mid century cool in my eclectic maximalist retro WFH office. I love it. Someone posted a review that helps with assembly – follow her instructions, they were so helpful! Attach the base first for good leverage, and just know that the pieces DO line up – it just takes a little muscle and leverage it squish the cushion into place. Worth the struggle for the price and the comfort.” — Elizabeth
Promising Amazon reviews: “I did quite a bit of research on the right office chair for my needs, and finally landed on this one. My Walmart chair made my back hurt and wasn’t comfortable. I’m happy to say that this chair is supportive AND comfortable! I’m little (4’11”) and can sit with my legs ‘criss-cross applesauce’ with lots of room to spare on the seat. I love the arms, too, because my desk is lower than most and I can push my chair under the desk. Total space saver. It’s made well and I expect to have this for many years. I would definitely recommend.” — Christa R. Davis
“Comfortable, easy to use, raises high enough for my feet to be flat on the floor. The adjustable arms allow me to sit cross legged. It’s fantastic.” — Liberty Reviews
Promising Amazon review: “I’ve bought so many office chairs over the years. The classic Goldilocks story— this one’s too bulky, this one’s too flimsy, that one has too much hard plastic… yada yada. I think this one might be it. Really comfortable, solid build, attractive but the best feature is the wide seat. I can criss cross my legs easily to relieve the pressure in my hips which is life changing if you’re chained to your desk sitting in meetings all day. This one is juuuuuuust right. Wish it hadn’t taken me so many years to find!” — Larissa Harrison
Promising Amazon review: “I have seen criss cross chairs all over TikTok but I didn’t like that the back was so low and it had no separate footrest. After moving to a WFH position my second hand office chair was just not cutting it so I started googling alternatives. I came across this chair and the higher backrest and footrest intrigued me. I compared and contrasted the options as well as measurements with the standard criss cross chair……I got it based on the reviews saying it was good quality despite it being double the cost of other criss cross chairs.
This was money well spent. I love the extended footrest and the raised back comes to just at my shoulders which is where I would have wanted it.
Seriously though….it’s so comfy I may actually find myself napping in this chair during my lunch, today!” — Gortday
Promising Amazon review: “As a 6’0, 200-pound individual, finding the perfect office chair has been so aggravating. I already went through 2 cheap chairs! They were either too tight or too low, not enough support.
Until now, three times a charm and I found this amazing chair!
This chair is amazing! The seat’s ample room makes the chair so comfortable that I can even sit with my legs crossed, and the high wide back provides the perfect support, allowing me to comfortably rest my head against the soft cushion. What truly sets this chair apart, though, are the armrests. The inward padding cradles my arms in pure comfort.
And let’s not forget the leg rest. It’s very sturdy and provides that relaxing vibe.
Beyond the incredible comfort, the stellar customer service truly completes the package. I asked for a lower cylinder because the chair was a bit too high for my desk. They promptly addressed my need sending me, for free, a lower cylinder, leaving me thoroughly impressed with the brand’s commitment to customer satisfaction. Your workspace deserves the best, and this chair delivers on every front!” — Anthony Tart
Promising Amazon review: “Exactly what I was looking for- a true desk chair for the floor. I spend several hours a day on the floor studying, after finding the perfect desk – the right ‘chair’ was equally necessary. Gaming chairs, meditation pillows, regular floor chairs weren’t going to offer the back support/seat cushion options that were needed. Took a chance on this and hit the jackpot. I originally thought I needed arm rests, but in reality I don’t miss them. Folds up for easy storage under desk when not in use. I can sit cross legged or legs straight out without a problem. This is sturdy and very well made, I have no doubt it will last awhile.” — Jeanne
Promising Amazon review: “I often have issues finding a chair that is not too long in the seat for me. I can almost never touch the ground, that’s fine, easily combated with a riser for my feet. I generally find myself shifty or sitting funky without back support because I cannot sit all the way back without extending my legs in an odd way due to how long the chair seat is. This chair is works really well for my short-self. I am about 5’2”. My knees hit right at the end of this chair seat perfectly so that I can sit upright without being super wonky. Also another perk of this chair is it is wide enough for me to sit criss cross legs in my lap if I want to. I have found that without having to shift around to maintain support or blood flow I am much happier sitting for work. I am hopeful to buy one for my office office chair not just for my home office!” — Knife_k