There are a number of plants that should be pruned this month (Image: Getty)
Spring is just around the corner, and while it may still be chilly outside, it’s time to start preparing your garden for the warmer months ahead.
If you treat your plants well now, they will be rather prolific in flowering come spring, making your garden the envy of your neighbours and visitors.
One way to get a headstart on prepping your garden is by pruning, and the has shared three plants that can be pruned in February.
Pruning is an important job that helps keep , , and trees nice and healthy and leads to a beautiful garden when blooming begins.
Here are the best plants to prune in February for a beautiful garden display in spring.
Climbing roses should be pruned between December and February (Image: Getty)
Many summer-flowering deciduous shrubs, including Hydrangeas, can be pruned in February, or March if you don’t have the time free this month, especially if they will flower on the current year’s growth.
The experts at the RHS explained: “Although the only essential work is to remove dead wood in spring, these species will provide prolific flowering when pruned back annually to a framework of branches.
“Each spring, cut back last year’s stems to a pair of healthy buds to maintain a permanent framework. To produce larger flower panicles on strong, upright branches, hard prune to the lowest pair of healthy buds, creating a low framework of branches.
“This usually results in a pruned framework of no more than 25cm high but, if more height is required, cut to about 60cm tall.”
Pruning roses ensures that the plants flower well each year and is an especially important task if you have climbing roses. Climbing roses can be pruned between December and February, so if this hasn’t been done yet, be sure to do so this month.
Pruning this month ensures a prolific flowering in spring (Image: Getty)
Sharing how to best prune these beautiful flowers, the RHS said: “First, remove dead, diseased or dying branches. Then tie in any new shoots needed to fill supports.
“Prune any flowered side shoots back by two-thirds of their length. If the plant is heavily congested, cut out any really old branches from the base to promote new growth.”
Summer lilac
This large and fast-growing shrub, known for its fragrant flowers in gorgeous shades of purple, should be pruned between February and March, as this allows time for the new growth to mature and flower by spring.
However, you should wait until after the last frost of winter to prune the summer liliac (also named the buddleja davidii), so you may end up needing to wait till March depending on where you live.
For pruning this shrub, the RHS said: “In early to mid-spring cut back on the previous year’s flowering stems to within one or two buds of the older woody framework. Also remove any thin, weak or dead growth.”